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The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 

Fuming with hatred, I pace back and forth while thinking of ways to destroy Mysteria. Finally, I come to a halt and smile as the answer comes to mind. Thypon, the God of ferocious monsters. He has the head of a dragon, a bat’s wings and a serpent’s body. Once a God amongst the other deities in the Celestial Realm, Thypon wreaked death and destruction across many worlds. To end Typhon’s terrible ways, the deities and I trapped him beneath a volcano for all eternity, compelling the volcano never to erupt since that was the only way Thypon could be released.

I immediately travel to the world of ash and lava where Thypon has been sealed. Approaching the volcano, I raise my hands high and begin the chant. The seal dissipates, and the volcano erupts. An explosion of ash rises into to air, whilst lava flows out from the crater. A boisterous roar emits through the cloud of ash. Enormous wings flap and push the ash away. Thypon, now silent, gazes at me. I smirk and cross my arms.

‘Finally, after thousands of years, I am free,’ Thypon roars, ‘But of what purpose did you free me?’ He asks in a deep gruff voice that vibrates through the land.

‘I want the deities to suffer, all of them, including my sister Selene. I’m sure it’s on your agenda anyway?’ I say.

‘Go on,’ he says, giving me his attention.

‘In your absence, a new world has been made, which they named Mysteria. Selene, Ogrun and many others have created life forms in their image and gifted them with some of their abilities. They have grown a great love for the world and its people. Destroying Mysteria would destroy them. I want to see them all suffer. The midsummer solstice is near, and it would be the perfect time to strike,

| purposely leave the detail out that the only way in and out for a deity is during the solstice. Once he enters, he will be trapped there until the next solstice or longer if he doesn’t figure that out.

‘I suppose I can start with their precious world of Mysteria before finishing the destruction of the other worlds I was pursuing before being sealed under this wretched volcano.

‘I will place a temporary spell over you, so the other deities can’t trace your whereabouts. It will only last until the solstice ends. That is when you need to cross through the veil!’ I explain.

Thypon nods, and I begin a chant. A blue iridescent sphere encircles Thypon and then vanishes.

‘There, it is done.

I will return when it is time,’ I say. Thypon nods, and I return to my Realm and await my revenge.

The Moon Goddess

‘We sealed Thypon with an unbreakable spell, I don’t understand how he broke free?’

‘Selene, we have to find him and seal him back before it’s too late,

‘I know that Valkrim, but even you haven’t been able to trace him yet,’ I say.

‘We must let all the deities know that Thypon has somehow been released. As soon as anyone knows his whereabouts, we are to immediately gather and work together to seal him again, just like last time,

‘Selene,’ Ogrum interrupts, ‘I understand finding Thypon is of utmost importance, but we need to find out how he became free? There isn’t much point to sealing him only for him to be freed again,

‘Ogrum has a point, Cerridwen says in agreeance.

The only way he could have been freed is if the spell used to seal the volcano had been removed,’ I say.

Cerridwen stiffens, and her eyes grow wide.

Chapter 146 1


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