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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 70

Daphne’s Point of View

I wake up tangled in Caleb’s arms. Last night was extremely emotional, but oddly enough I feel like we both healed a little last night. I slowly start to remove myself from Caleb’s grasp, not because I want to get away from him, but I have an appointment with Dr. Hollis this morning.

I have been having some anxiety and stress over today. There will be several visiting Alphas and their Lunas, and some may bring additional family. I am not worried about the meetings that Caleb has to hold, I know that he has those covered. I am worried that I am going to say something wrong to the other Lunas, or somehow offend someone visiting.

I slowly make my way quietly to the bathroom. I am hoping a good hot shower will loosen up some of my tight muscles and help me wake up for the day. I glance back at Caleb as I shut the door to the bathroom to ensure that he is asleep still.

Stepping under the hot water brings instant relief to my body. I love feeling the water hit my shoulders, loosing up the tight muscles. I stand under the water for a few minuets allowing the warmth to sooth me and relax me. I was lost to my thoughts, so it was completely startling to feel a hand on my back.

Turning around quickly I find Caleb laughing at my reaction. “That is not funny, you scared the wits out of me.” I scold him sternly.

“I am sorry but, in my defense, I did say your name when I came in the bathroom. When you did not respond I got worried that something was wrong. Then I seen you absently kneading your shoulders and assumed that your muscles were tight, I was only coming in to ask if you wanted me to help you with that.” He is trying so hard not to laugh at me. The entire moment made me forget that we are both naked. A quick glance down and there is a stark reminder that neither of us has clothes on. I can feel my face flame.

“My muscles are a little sore.” I mumble out loud. On one hand I would love a massage. I do not want Caleb to get the wrong impression though. I have my appointment and in truth I am not sure if I am fully ready for sex yet.

As if he is reading my mind, he quickly reassures me. “Turn around love and I will massage your shoulders. We have a big day today and I want to make sure that you are in top shape, no sex I promise.” He says the last part with a little chuckle, and I am sure my face somehow is even more red now.

I turn and Caleb gets to work on the knots in my shoulders. He is firm but gentle and he is doing a great job of getting me to relax. I could not stop the moan that escaped my lips. Right after Caleb leans into me and I can feel his excitement on my buttocks. “Little one if I am going to keep my promise of no sex, then you are going to have to refrain from making that sound.” His voice is husky as he whispers into my ear. I bite my lower lip in an attempt to stop the mewling sound that was about to come out.

I can not hide the fact that I do want him, I just do not know if I am ready. I whimper when Caleb removes his hands from my shoulders. He gives me a light swat on my butt. “Your muscles seem a little looser. Hurry up with your shower we have guests arriving soon.”

I whirl around quickly as I hear him opening the shower door. “Caleb what time is everyone coming?”


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