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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 71

Daphne’s Point of View

Hannah could barely contain her excitement that the other packs were beginning to arrive. “Hannah why are you so excited? I think you have met most of these pack members before.” I was naturally curious.

“I met Alpha Cole once when I was younger, but I do not remember much about him. I have never had the chance to meet Alpha Axle and rumor has it that he is gorgeous.” Hannah flashes me a mischievous smile.

“Hannah you should not be worried about boys. When you are eighteen you will be able to find your mate. You should wait for him.” I remind her gently.

“I know and I intend to. I just want to check out my possibilities. It is like being on a diet, but still looking at the dessert menu. I know that I am not going to order the yummy chocolate cake, but I can certainly look at it and appreciate all of its gloriousness.” She tells me with a laugh. I cannot stop from chuckling over her little quip.

“Try to stay out of trouble please.” I remind her gently. Just then Caleb mind links me to ask me to come to the front. Our guests are beginning to arrive, and it is custom that we greet them.

“Caleb just said that the first ones are going to be here soon. Are you coming up front with us?”

“Yes I am. I am not going to miss seeing the hotties that may be rolling up.” She checks out her reflection in the toaster on our way out.

“You look amazing par usual, and what if these guys are not good looking?” I cannot help but tease her a little.

PFFT, she huffs out. “That would be like an abomination against nature. An ugly Alpha, I have never heard of that.” Despite her words I can see that I have shadowed her mind a little and now she is wondering if she has ever heard of an ugly Alpha. I chuckle because I was just teasing her.

Hannah and I walk out the front door together. Caleb, Theo, and Scarlett are already at the front. Hannah instinctively moves closer to Scarlett, as Scarlett tucks a stray hair behind her ear. My heart warms at the scene. Scarlett has accepted Hannah as a sort of adoptive child. I knew that Theo has always acted as if she was his, and it is wonderful to know that Scarlett accepts this as well. I am interrupted from my thoughts as a sleek black car with tinted windows pulls into the circular driveway.

“I did not expect him to be the first to get here.” Theo said softly.

“Who is it?” I cannot help but ask.

“It is Alpha Cole.” This time it was Caleb that answered me. I try to remember all the information given to me about Alpha Cole. He is one of our allies that lives farther away so it is odd that he was the first to make it here. Caleb reaches over and squeezes my hand; I think he could feel that I was nervous.

I take a deep breath to help calm my nerves as the car comes to a stop in front. The driver’s door opens, and I was slightly taken back at the vast differences between the car and the man that stepped out. Alpha Cole was easily six foot three inches, with honey colored skin, and thick midnight black hair. He was wearing a ripped sleeve tee shirt, that showed off his heavily tribal tattooed arms. He shut the door to the car, and hastily strode up the steps taking them two at a time. He greeted Caleb with a giant bear hug, and I was instantly put at ease by his genuinely kind smile and eyes. I watched as he and Caleb reunited, and it was nice to know that they got along so well.

“Alpha Cole I would like to introduce you to my mate, and the Luna of the Blue Mountain pack, Daphne.” Caleb gently puts his arm around the small of my back.

Alpha Cole looks slightly shocked but quickly congratulates Caleb before turning to introduce himself to me. His dazzling emerald eyes met mine, and I got big brother vibes coming from him. He graciously bows like a classical movie gentleman. “Luna Daphne can I just say that it is a huge pleasure to meet the woman that can put up with this big guy.” Cole is not condescending, and it is easy for everyone to hear the joking nature in his voice.

Him and Theo greet each other and then Theo also introduces him to Scarlett. “Wow so both of my friends have found beautiful angels to share their lives with I am so happy for you both.” Cole lets out a boisterous laugh and I find that I have fully relaxed. For being an Alpha, he seems laid back, and genuinely nice. “Look at you Hannah all grown up too. I hardly recognized you.”

“Yep, no longer a little pup. I turn eighteen next year.” Theo emits a soft growl of annoyance and Scarlett softly pats his arm. Hannah blushes slightly but does not break eye contact with Alpha Cole.

“Well, I hope you find your mate after your birthday. He will be one lucky man, and he better treat you right or I will be next in line to show him some manners after Theo and Caleb are done with him.” I was proud of Cole for quickly and effectively diffusing the situation. In a few short words he put Theo at ease and effectively let Hannah know that he was not interested without damaging her self-esteem.

Scarlett offered to show Cole to his room, and Theo said that he would accompany them. Just then Brandon came around the corner of the pack house and offered to move Alpha Cole’s car into the garage. Before Caleb and I could go back into the house we received another mind l**k that there was another car approaching.

Caleb glanced at me and noticed that I was nervous again. “Are you ok my love?” He asked concerned.

“Yes, I just do not want to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing.” I quickly tell him.

“You are doing amazing, and Cole already likes you.”

I let out a light chuckle. “He seems very easy going, and I appreciate his kindness. I was expecting more of a businessman when he pulled up, then he got out and looked almost like a biker, but he has such a goofball personality that I think puts me at ease.”

“Yes, he can be a prankster that is for sure. Once he talked Theo into playing a prank on me. They had a pie delivered to my office that by appearance I thought was key lime pie. The topping however was actually shaving cream.” Caleb lets out a soft chuckle. “I did not appreciate the minty shaving cream instead of the sweet, whipped topping that I am used to having.” Caleb smiles at the memory. “Make no mistake though Cole has been through some very hard times in his life.”

“I heard about his Luna sylvia. I could not imagine what that was like for him.” I tell Caleb honestly.

“It tore him up for a long time, but I do have to say that Cole has done an amazing job with his pack. Now the Waning Moon pack is stronger, and healthier because of his leadership. I pray that the Moon Goddess blesses him with a second chance mate.” Caleb tells me.

I chuckle a little remembering Hannah’s reaction to him. “I have a hard time believing that he does not have women falling left and right for him.”

“That may be true, but having a destined mate is important to every wolf. I can understand why he does not dabble with wolves that are not his mate.” Caleb says solemnly and I can tell that I have mistakenly hit a nerve.

“I simply meant that I hope he gets to choose a good mate.” I let him know that I meant no disrespect.

“Do not fret about it love. I am sure that the Goddess is going to mate him with someone eventually who will be right for both him and his pack.” Caleb gives me a soft kiss on the head. Theo and Scarlett return just as two SUVs pull into our driveway. My heart rate quickens because they look like they are from my previous pack. My fears are put to rest as Alpha Jerome exits the first vehicle, coming over to the passenger side quickly to open the door for Luna Alma.

Luna Alma makes a joke about her old bones as she stretches from the car ride. From the second vehicle two males exit, and one female. I was not expecting such a crowd even though I was told that some travel with their families.


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