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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 75

Caleb’s Point of View

I left Daphne, Scarlett, and Hannah to prepare for the dinner tonight. The catering company had arrived, and our guests had already been shown to their rooms. No amount of preparation could have prepared me for today. I am worried that this may be an utter disaster, and with everything already bogging Daphne down I worry how this will affect her. I am also worried about putting our peculiar wolves in danger, and now I have new pups that are special that will need to be protected as well. This stress is going to cause me to grow grey hair.

I slip away to my office, hoping for a few moments of silence. It is not long before both Theo, and Marcus slip in. I pour us each a drink and we settle into the chairs to catch up a bit.

“I meant to ask earlier but got caught up in the moment. Lola seems rather attached to the girl Maria that you found, are you guys planning on adopting her if you can not locate her pack?” Theo is straight forward with Marcus.

“I have no idea really. Lola calls most of the shots when it comes to the pack house. I have been focused on training the warriors and dealing with the rogue attacks. Plus, with winter coming I wanted to ensure that we were good to go.” Marcus seems as stressed as I am.

“Scarlett and I are contemplating formally adopting Hannah. We both love her as if she were our own blood, and Caleb and I raised her. I was going to pose the question to you after this gathering Caleb, but since we were on the subject, I figured now was a good time as any.” Theo is talking in a matter-of-fact tone, but I can tell that he is nervous.

“As long as Hannah wants the adoption, then nothing would thrill me more. I know that we both raised her when she was younger, but Theo you have always been the one that took care of her the most. I would love to be her official Uncle.” Marcus, and I raise our glasses in a congratulatory drink to Theo. I do believe that Hannah will be thrilled with the idea, even though she is almost of age.

“What about you Caleb when are you going to begin filling this house with pups?” Marcus asks.

“I think it is going to be awhile my friend. We have had some complications.” I answer him honestly.

“You and Daphne are having issues?” He asks me with worry in his face.

“Yes and no. We were pregnant, just barely. Due to the abuse that Daphne suffered when she was younger there is lasting scar tissue, and the fetus was not viable.” Marcus is my friend; therefore, I do not hide the truth from him.

“I am sorry for your loss my friend.” Marcus reaches over and clasps me on the shoulder in condolences.

“I handled it better than she did, but she feels like she has somehow let down both me and the pack.” I sigh finally getting it out.

“Although Lola and I did not lose a baby, we thought for awhile when we first met that she was pregnant.” Marcus started talking.


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