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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 74

Daphne’s Point of View

With the arrival of the catering company there was a flurry of activity. Hannah, Theo, and Scarlett helped to get all the kids upstairs and settled into their rooms so that they could get washed up and changed for dinner. I think that Marcus and Lola were relieved that we agreed to take Isabella and the twins. We all understand that we need to be hush hush regarding the hybrid status of the kids.

Hybrids are frowned upon in nearly every community, even more so than rogues. There is a natural distrust between wolves, witches, and vampires. For centuries we fought each other mercilessly. Unfortunately for witches they were often used as pawns for factions fighting each other. The legend says that the reason there are so few witches today, is due to the enslavement they faced back then. As with all things humans and technology progressed, and we all moved forward. With the ever-increasing threat of human exposure and experimentation the factions sunk into the shadows, hiding our true natures and adapting to the ever-progressing world around us. Until today I had never met a witch, vampire, or hybrid. I cannot help but wonder if that is the cause of our peculiar wolves within our own pack.

Unfortunately, we do not get much time to discuss the matter or what now lies ahead for us, because we are informed that more visitors are passing through our borders. I look at Caleb knowing that the moment I have dreaded is here. Since all of the other guests are here this means Alpha Noah has finally arrived.

“Perk up beautiful, you are a Luna now. Do not allow them to see that they still affect you.” Scarlett says as she gives me a quick side hug. I try to hype myself up as we once again shuffle to the front door.

“Well today has certainly been a bucket full of surprises.” Theo says as he wraps his arms around Scarlett’s waist and rests his chin on top of her head.

“To be honest, when I was first told about this gathering, I never expected the drama that would be involved with it.” I am slightly embarrassed that I spoke the thought out loud, but everyone murmurs their agreement with me.

“It is by far the most rambunctious meeting I have attended, more less held in some time. I think the last time there was this much drama was when Alpha Marcus was accused of screwing Alpha Leon’s daughter.” The boys chuckle at the joke and I see Scarlett playfully elbow her mate.

“Did you actually do it Theo?” I hate when a story is only half told.

“No, I never laid hands on the girl. Her father desired an alliance with our pack but refused to change his mind on the idea of slaves. Caleb and I were younger, and a bit more hot headed back then. When Leon knew that we would not budge he made the accusation in front of other Alphas thinking that I would be pressured into mating the girl thus forcing an alliance. What he did not consider was the fact that the girls destined mate would be there, or that his own daughter would vehemently deny his accusations. It was a lot of drama, and headache.” Theo pulls Scarlett to him even tighter, and I see a slight blush in her cheeks.

Our story time is finished as the car holding my fathers former Beta pulls into our drive. I take a deep breath and put on a fake smile, praying that it will suffice for this meeting. My smile falters after Heather opens the back passenger door. Her clothes are so skimpy that she may as well have been naked. I also see that Noah has brough Gabriel and Shawn with him. Both of them were strong warriors in my father’s army.

“Alpha Noah, Luna Mellissa welcome to the Blue Mountain pack.” Caleb’s voice is strong and steady, and it is from him that I draw strength now. I flash them both a big smile, but it turns to a grimace at Heather’s words.


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