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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 86

Caleb’s Point of View

I had hoped that Daphne and I could spend a few minuets alone, just holding each other, but as soon as I walked in the door, she said that she needed to talk. From the look of her furrowed brow, I could tell that she felt that it was important, but I still inwardly sigh because I was hoping after the meeting that I would get a small break. Unfortunately, it seems like I will have no such luck today. I do however pull her into my chest, I just need a moment of feeling her next to me even if the relief is temporary.

“Alright my little one what is going on?” I finally ask her. She then proceeds to tell me about the visit that she had with Anita, and Carolyn and the cryptic message left by her nasty mother. “So, the only reason why she came was because Scarlett is supposedly in danger?” The message seems vague at best, and a quick analysis of the situation leads me to believe that it is baloney.

“Yeah, Scarlett has always been her shining star. There is nothing that she would not do for Scarlett when we were younger.” Daphne quickly explains.

“Yes, but love you seem to be forgetting a huge flaw in all of this.” She looks at me with a questioning tone upon her face. “Scarlett turned against your parents at our mating ceremony. Your mother flat out told her that she was no better than you. Plus, it was Theo that ended your mother’s life. Knowing how vindictive and petty Amanda was, I highly doubt that she would still protect Scarlett.” Daphne takes a moment and considers my words carefully. It seems that it had slipped her mind about that entire fiasco.

“You make a good point. I have no idea if my mother would be able to forgive Scarlett in the spirit realm, or not.” Daphne admits out loud.

“Baby I am sorry because I know that talking about this brings up painful memories of your childhood. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, or make you relive any of that. This looks like it is bothering you though, so I want to take it seriously too. I do feel that we should keep an open mind about everything though. Your mother was a malicious woman, with an evil heart and terrible intentions towards you. I find it hard to believe that she ever knew any kind of love in her heart, even towards Scarlett.” I sigh deeply knowing that I am inexplicably hurting Daphne more by my words. “I will be honest though it is disturbing that she not only used Scarlett’s name but Hannah as well. That leads me to think that her warning may have some truth to it. Although Hannah traveled with me to your former pack she was not fully introduced to your mother and father, so I do not think they would truly know her name.” I think over the whole situation. “We should definitely keep our eyes and ears open to everything. I also think that we should tell Theo, and Scarlett as well. For now, we keep our circle small and tight.” I pull Daphne into another hug knowing that this whole situation is going to weigh heavily upon her mind.

“I love you, Caleb. I am sorry to bring this to you right now, I know you have a lot on your mind.” She whispers into my chest.

Chapter 86 1


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