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The Alpha's Slave Mate novel Chapter 87

Daphne’s Point of View

Walking out into the back courtyard my breath was taken away. The decorations were amazing. There were five small tables set up with navy tablecloths, and simple mason jar candle lights in the middle surrounded by a small wreath of flowers. Fairy lights were draped elegantly over the pergola, and over a few of the rose bushes. The sound of a violin caught me off guard and I looked quickly towards the back of the garden path to find a few of our teenage wolves tuning orchestra instruments.

“I asked Brandon to gather a few members of the orchestra from school to provide some light background music.” Caleb leans close to me and whispers in my ear.

The courtyard looks like something out of a movie. I had always admired the beauty it held during the daylight, but tonight it was a shining star. “This looks better than anything I could have imagined.” I whisper still in awe. Caleb put his arm gently around my waist and leads me to one of the tables, pulling out my chair for me. I take count of the chairs that are out here and realize that we have more than we need.

“I must not have let the catering company know that we had guests leave.” I tell Caleb.

“No sweetheart I opened this evening up and invited Theo, Scarlett, Hannah, Maria, Scott, Liam, and Corey as well. That is why there are five tables with four chairs each. I would have invited Isabella as well, but I believe that she is still settling in at Mavin’s house.” I am stunned by Caleb’s confession. The busy Alpha has managed meeting, alliance negotiations, my mood swings, new members of our pack, and a million other things that have happened in the last few days, but he still puts the wants and needs of others before himself. Love and pride swell in my chest, and I cannot stop myself from leaning over and pecking him on the cheek.

“Thank you, sweetheart it is perfect.” Not long after we were seated our guests started to arrive. Theo and Scarlett chose to sit at our table. Marcus, Cole, Axle, and Lola sat at the table next to us. Jerome, Alma, Hawk, and Maria sat on the other side of us. Noah and Melissa walked in and sat at the table farthest from ours. Liam, and Scott were running a few minuets behind but choose to sit at the empty table rather than sit with Noah. Next Corey, and Gabriel filed in. I could see that Gabriel would have liked to continue talking to Corey and he looked wistfully at the table that held the younger guys. He was also fearful of embarrassing his Alpha, so he quickly recovered and sat with Noah and Melissa.

Hannah walked in last, looking beautiful in a summer dress, and gladiator sandals. Axle immediately stood and pulled another seat over to his table. Hannah smiled but still looked slightly uncomfortable. Gabriel also offered the seat next to him.

“Hannah sweetheart you look fabulous. Come sit next to me, I feel like I have not seen you all day.” Scarlett’s voice rang out clear in the still night, and Hannah looked relieved that she has a way to escape. Axle looked slightly crushed that once again Hannah chose not to spend time with him.

Chapter 87 1

Chapter 87 2


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