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The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon) novel Chapter 126

Thalia’s Pov

After Josh and Scarlett’s wedding, we flew straight to the beach house. I guess seeing Josh happy and finding the love of his life brought so many memories of Brandon. If I said I was not jealous then I was lying. I was dead jealous, in fact, I never wanted to attend but Scarlet was such a nice person after I met her so I could not come up with an excuse not to attend.

Nestor was Josh’s best man, they were not that close but Josh had no one to ask so he asked Nestor. I never objected because it was not my place.

Yes Brandon would be p*sssed and Nestor would have gotten fired over and over again but we were living in a new chapter. Overall the wedding was spectacular, I wished the couple the best in their marriage and their future but I wanted to be with Brandon.

I had been busy the past five months, rarely having time for Kendra because I was tackling two companies plus modifying Brandon’s capsule where he lay, awaiting the cure.

I made it in a way that I could lay in it too and wrap my hands around him. Dr. Wilson never approved of it but it was not like he was susceptible to infection or I was contagious. I always disinfected myself before I got in.

Sometimes I placed Kendra with me inside. I wanted her to familiarize herself with him. I promised him that she was never going to forget him no matter how many years passed and that was what I was fulfilling.

I used to videotape Kendra’s life for him to come and watch. She was now crawling and saying some baby words. I got everything on videotape. He was never going to miss any little detail of his daughter’s life. Her first word, first fall, first school. I was going to document without fail.

Everyone around me had their cameras ready to contribute to the video archive that I was creating. Even Josh and Scarlet helped in the videos especially since Kendra spent some days at their house.

After they sent me the videos I could compile them and arrange them in chronological order. Brandon was never going to miss anything. All I could hope for was Dr. Willson not to fail me. I was counting on him, he owed Brandon and he needed to hurry up before Brandon missed everything in Kendra’s life.

I sat there gossiping to him about Josh and Scarlet’s wedding to every detail. I could only imagine the foul comments he would pass. Maybe even ruined the day or something or he would have been in the forefront making sure the day happened and shipped them to a far place for their honeymoon where he would have left them stranded. That was Brandon, wicked in a cute way.

A tear dropped, I missed him so much, I missed being shocked at his plans and wondering if he was normal upstairs. I missed him coughing at me, I missed hearing him firing Nestor thousands of times.

I missed his jealous nature, always jumping to conclusions and thinking Nestor and I were having an affair. He even hid Josh’s sperm thinking, Josh and I were going to end up being lovers and have more babies. I chuckled just thinking about that.

I missed everything about him, and what was sad about everything was the fact we never even got to be intimate. He won the bet but never claimed it for reasons known to himself. If only I could turn the clock back and fall for his advances.

What if we had followed Nestor’s advice and not gone ahead with our revenge? Maybe he and I would have become a couple in the early days or months. But would he have lived that long? Would he have had a will to live if he was not looking forward to seeing Josh on his knees or Kendra’s beautiful face? There were a lot of factors in revenge that gave him the will to fight.

I felt a hand behind my back and looked up, it was Nestor. I had thought he had gone back to have fun with one of the bridesmaids but that was not to be. He was really boring, no wonder Brandon thought he was gay or something.

“Kendra needs to sleep,” he said.

I looked at my lap and found her fast asleep. “Oooh, I did not notice,” I said as he picked her up and took her to her little bed. She was turning one in some weeks, she had grown and was no longer troublesome when it came to sleeping.

He walked back after he had tucked her in and sat beside me. Unlike what Brandon had predicted, Nestor and I got along so well. Maybe it was because there was no Brandon to fight over or impress.

He respected my decisions and when I was wrong he politely corrected me and I also respected his opinions and trusted him with my life. He usually dealt with the Mandel businesses, even though he had no qualifications but he was good at it through watching and paying attention to Brandon.

Most of the time I learned a lot from him. Inc Biotech was my baby and I brought back all the directors that were loyal to my father that Josh and his s*upid father got rid of. We were taking baby steps at the time but the FRASER 2021i was the most happening medical breakthrough in the country.

It was responding to a lot of cancers, it was better than chemotherapy and most patients were opting for it. My face was all over billboard magazines and newspapers. I guess I was famous. My father was proud of me wherever he was. To be honest, I was not happy, everyone around me noticed that.

How could I be when the s*upid machine failed to work on the person that I created it for. Yes, I was being selfish but it broke my heart that a lot of families got their second chance while my man was in a s*upid coma.

“Do you think he hears us?” Nestor snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Yes he does, of course, he hears us,” I replied.

“Then, I will have to confess about being Josh’s best man. Hope when you wake up you take it easy on me,” he pleaded.

We both became quiet like we were waiting for him to get up and go crazy on us but it was quiet. Too quiet, he just slept there not even minding a brink.

“The doctor will soon find the cure, very soon,” Nestor added when he noted I was crying.

I only nodded my head but that cure never came, a year passed, another year passed and a total number of five years passed altogether. I turned thirty years old while Kendra turned Five years but Brandon was still in that capsule and the doctor was nowhere near the s*upid cure.

My daughter was already in Kindergarten and Brandon missed part of her life, of course, Josh was there. He was not a bad father, he was a very good father, I could not complain but I also wanted my Brandon to be there but he was not. He never got to have that chance. But Kendra knew him, I made sure she knew she had two fathers one was Josh while the other one was Brandon.

Chapter 126 1

Chapter 126 2


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