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The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon) novel Chapter 127

Thalia’s Pov

Another eight years elapsed, I had no idea how but they just flew by like a wildfire. Indeed time never waited for anyone but I couldn’t help but feel like it was deliberately running away from me.

My Kendra had just turned thirteen, yes she was a teenager. She grew up into a beautiful, strong nonsense young girl. She never lost hope in meeting Brandon, every weekend she went to visit him at the beach house, telling him everything that was happening in her life and all her secrets, secrets that she never wanted me and Josh to know.

She loved the beach house and never missed the weekend. We also kept the tradition of watching the sunrise at the bridge on the anniversary that I met Brandon. Sometimes I forgot and she had to remind me. She was my rock, if it was not for her I would have lost hope just like the others.

I saw it in their eyes when I talked about Brandon, they just wanted me to stop talking about him and move on. But they couldn’t say it to my face because they did not want to offend me. Even Nestor seemed to have given up, I noted he reduced visiting, he even found himself a girlfriend, which was a sign that he had moved on.

Only Kendra and I were hanging on but I was on a thread and every time that realization hit me I shrunk in shame.

I had no idea whether doctor Wilson had given up because I stopped taking progress reports from him. He would send them every month to my email but I intentionally stopped opening them because I was tired of getting the same report with no progress while I was pumping in a lot of money.

I stopped harassing him with my constant visits. Even when I was visiting Brandon I would ignore the lab. It was too much of hearing the same things over and over again.

I had no idea how many more years I was supposed to wait, but it was becoming depressing. Maybe that was the reason why Nestor found himself a girlfriend.

Josh and Scarlet had two sons, one was eight while the other was five years old. Kendra adored them and she was always protecting them at school.

They were a constant reminder of how the years were flying by. Thirteen years was a lot of years to wait for the cure, a lot of years but I did not want to pull the plug. That was his wish, in the event we failed to find a cure, we were not supposed to wake him up, we were not supposed to say goodbye. We were supposed to switch off all the machines and let him die. I could not do that, the love I had for him would kill me if I did that.

I had no idea what to do, sometimes I would just pretend that he was not in a coma so that I would be sane for a day. The thoughts were killing me, I was thinking too much and everyone around me noticed that I was finally breaking down so they suggested I see a therapist but it never worked out.

All the therapists suggested I pull the plug which was a big no to me. They all wanted to make it look like I was punishing Brandon. One even dared to call me selfish after I confessed that a maximum number of years Brandon stated to pull the plug.

I had kept that a secret, not even Nestor was aware of it. I guess Brandon only told me because he never wanted us to be fighting. His wish was three years but I went all the way up to thirteen years, going against his wish. Was I selfish? Was the therapist right? Maybe they were but I felt offended and stopped going to the sessions.

They all found out that I had quiet therapy and requested a meeting but I kept giving excuses of being busy. I knew what they wanted to talk about and I was not interested. I would hide at the beach house, usually staring at the plugs and machines that were keeping Brandon alive. Asking myself whether he was in pain, whether he hated me for holding on too long or whether he would forgive me.

I had a lot of questions but only he was eligible to answer. I heard footsteps behind me and knew it was Nestor. They s*upidly called him. I had not seen him in weeks.

“Hello, Nestor? I’m not pulling the plug, let us give the doctor some more years?” I quickly spoke.

“What is the doctor saying?” He asked.

“I do not know, I stopped reading his progress reports a year ago,” I replied.

“Thalia, seriously?”

“Brandon was right, that fool is useless. Maybe he diverts all the millions I give him to his personal account,” I replied.

He kept quiet without responding

“Have you ever asked Kendra how she feels about letting him go?”

“How on earth would I ask her that? What kind of a mother would ask her child that!” I yelled at him.

“I asked her?” he replied.

I turned in shock to face him, he had no right to do that.

“She said if he is in pain then it’s only fair we let him go to heaven,” he replied.

I glanced at him speechlessly, there was no way Kendra would have said that. She was the only one that was on my side. She had been looking forward to meeting him. She liked all the stories I told her about him. She had watched all the videos of him and always wondered how fun he would have been with her.

“Kendra would have told me, stop lying.”

“She does not want to break your heart, I promised her I would not tell you,” he added.

I placed my face in my hands, as he drew me for a hug. “Brandon would understand, I think it’s time we said goodbye to him.”

“No! No!” I pushed him off. “You know what we went through with him, Josh, Scarlett, Maggie, and Wilfred have no idea who Brandon is. We know him, we are not supposed to give up like them!”

“Thalia, it has been thirteen years, Thirteen f*cking years.”

“People stay in comas for more than thirty years!” I yelled at him.

“Those people are not waiting for a cure, a cure that we have no idea about. I think we should talk to Dr. Wilson,” he replied and began walking towards the lab. I was in disbelief at what was coming out of his mouth.

I quickly ran after him as he pounded on the doctor’s door like a mad man. The door opened and the doctor walked out confused. He had really gotten old, he looked malnourished and looked like he had not stepped outside for days or maybe months.

“You scared me, I thought it was intruders,” he said. He turned in my direction and ran to me. “Ooh miss Thalia, you have not aged a single day,”

“Cut the clap!” Nestor shouted at him. He glanced at Nestor in disappointment, then turned to me. “Miss Thalia you just came in time, I have sent numerous emails but you never replied so I made improvements,” he said.

I could tell he was disoriented, even though I stopped bugging him I always visited Brandon, and the lab and the capsule were in the same house. He could have walked out of the lab to meet up with me but he did not. He looked like he had gone insane.

Nestor and I exchanged worried glances as he pushed the door of the lab. I ignored the Doctor who was eager to say something and followed from behind. To our shock, we found the lab in chaos.  There were papers everywhere, the equipment was not maintained and most of them were off. And lastly, he was alone, there was no sign of his team.

Chapter 127 1


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