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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 118

Thirteen: Joselin

Joselin's P.O.V.

I was amused when Holden had to get another look at the naked siren. He was amazed that she looked so normal until I told him that was how they lured in their victims. Their song and their bodies were a beacon to any species.

When they fed is when they would shed their skin and reveal their slimy, boney, true forms. Vile creatures.

I had seen them snatch a poor Sprite out of the air and bite them in half like a candy bar. It was not pleasant.

The ground beneath us had been lifted to a comfortable lounge bed with soft, short grass. I had offered to take Holden back to the packhouse, but he refused.

’If I don't think about the siren wanting to lure me to my death, this is the most relaxing place I've ever been," Holden said with his hands behind his head as he stretched out beside me. He was attractive. I would give him that. But it felt wrong to think about him any other way when he was only eighteen while I was twenty-six.

Granted, he looked older. Much older. Being a wolf did wonders for his build, but I didn't feel physically attracted to him.

"She'll give up soon. If not, we can always kill and take some of her blood. Once you drink even a drop of it, their pull will no longer work on you." I smirked as the siren below us went silent. She knew she stood no chance against me. She barely made it out alive last time.

"Is that why she doesn't bother you?" He turned to look at me, and I smirked at him.

"I can be scrappy when I need to be." I felt my heart slow as he smiled at me. It was a feeling I had never experienced before. He knew none of my past or the horrors I had to face. There was no pity or disgust. Most importantly, there was no fear. "It really doesn't bother you, does it? The way I look."

"It does." He reached over, letting his hand rest on mine, but I pulled away.' I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. That bothers me because I haven't smelled anything from you that would indicate you have any interest in me. I will win you over, though. I can be very stubborn when I want something."

His green eyes bore into me, placing his hand back behind his head and flexing his muscles as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"And what is it that you want from me?" There was a voice in my head, shouting that he just wanted to fuck a witch, but I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"I want to spend time with you. You are breathtaking and strong. You deserve to be treated like a Goddess. If you'd let me, I could be the one to do that for you, or I can be your friend, but I require our midnight snack to be cheesecake next time."

His words warmed my heart, and I turned away from him to look at the ocean before us as pain stabbed through my chest. "You have a mate out there who will be your entire world soon. Don't let anyone get in the way of you finding that happiness."

He let out a sigh, and from the corner of my eye, I watched as he followed my gaze to the horizon and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Besides, it wouldn't be fair to you for me to lead you on." I could picture Tobias as clearly as if he were standing before me. It wasn't as if it were the first time I had thought about him today, but it was the most painful for some reason.

'Who is he? Can I take him?" Holden lifted his head, his eyes narrowed, but his lips twitched as he tried not to smile.

"He can kick your ass in his sleep, but I don't think he would care enough to actually do it if he saw us together." My ankles crossed as I adjusted, uncomfortable with the topic.

'Why not?"

I laughed, the pain audible as I closed my eyes to prevent them from watering. "Because he never cared before."

"Ah, so he is an idiot. Now, that I can work with. If I can't fight him, maybe I can help you to make him jealous." Holden's suggestion hadn't been new to me. I had tried to make Tobias jealous several times, but that was before he ever showed any interest back.

"I don't think that's a good idea, but I appreciate the offer. I've tried to move on for years, and nothing has worked. Finally, I decided to go for it and tried to get his attention. I thought being loved by him, even for a short while until he found his mate, would still be better than not having him at all. He wasn't interested." There was a heavy silence between us as I admitted my pathetic story of unrequited love. A witch fell for a beast who was fated to another.

I wanted to kick myself for ever becoming so emotional and weak.

"So, I'm hearing you have a thing for wolves. That means I have a chance." Holden smirked at me, and I rolled my eyes.

The low sound of humming started again, followed by the powerful and hypnotizing voice of the siren.

"Alright, let's go." I stood up, seeing the glazed look in Holden's eyes from her song. The oversized lounge chair I had created dropped back to the Earth, and Holden jolted back to reality upon impact with the ground.

"What was that for?" His eyes moved from me back to the cliff's edge. I grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.

"Come on," I ordered, and he looked down at our hands before raising his eyebrows at me suggestively.

"Where are we going this time?"



"I feel incredible!" Holden said, throwing his arm over my shoulders as I walked toward the dining hall for dinner. I had never felt so light and relaxed as I did after drawing blood. There was nothing else like it.

Killian and Natalie hadn't arrived, and I was happy they hadn't. I knew seeing Killian would ruin my good mood.

"How long will the effects last?" I laughed as his eyes darted around the room as he saw everything with a different view. When I had my first and only taste of siren blood, everything had a blue tint, but it was somehow clearer and brighter than before.


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