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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 134

Twenty-Eight: Tobias

Tobias's p.o.v.

Three days.

She had been gone for three days. I was out of my mind. My temper was short, and I hadn't slept much. I wanted her home.

It wasn't the first time she had been ordered away on one assignment or another, but this time seemed longer than the rest. I knew it was because I was impatient to mark her now that we were finally working through our issues. But I was on the verge of breaking Killian's orders and chasing after her to ensure she was okay.

The first night, I sat at the border where she left me and waited. A small part of me hoped she would return that night, even though I knew it wasn't realistic. She didn't.

The next day, I received the good news that the flooring for the house had arrived early, and I spent the entire day and most of the night installing it and fixing the drywall. All my energy was put into the house to get it done before she got home.

One day three, I had a crew come in and paint the house so I wouldn't have to deal with the fumes. I had to pay them double for the last-minute contract, but it was worth it.

That night I was lying in bed, unable to sleep or find a comfortable position. My beast was as anxious as I was. I could feel him wanting to take control, go find her, and fight by her side. He had chosen her as much as I had. She waste be mine.

My hand wandered over to the empty side of the bed as I dreamed of what it would be like to have her in it. I wanted to be able to roll over and hold her or touch her, to lose myself in her. Everything about her, her taste, her smell, and the little breathy moans she lets out were on replay in my dreams.

Every night I pictured her beneath me, on top of me, pinned up against the wall.... Every night, I dreamed about what it would be like when I finally got those breathy moans to turn into her screaming my name as I thrust into her, feeling her walls tighten around me.

It all ended the same way, with me waking up aching for her and facing the frustration that she wasn't here. I would find myself in the shower fisting my cock as I pictured how she had rubbed her pussy shamelessly on my mouth the only night I had her in my bed.

With each pump of my hand, I remembered how her lips parted, and she sighed so sweetly in pleasure when I gently bit her nipples. Then I would cum hard, dreaming about the day she would kneel before me, and I would let my release shoot onto her chest.

I wanted to watch it drip down her breasts almost as much as I wanted to see it drip down her chin.

Fuck. I was utterly obsessed with this woman.

My doorbell rang as I rubbed my towel over my hair, and I scowled. I really hated that thing and would need to remove it. People should know better than to bother me anyway.

The impatience of the visitor made me grit my teeth as I finished getting dressed and made my way down the hallway.

The small figure could be seen through the frosted glass on the front door, and I pulled it open violently, growling as her finger left the button for the third time and the chime rang through the house behind me.

The short blonde smiled up at me widely. She had been in my training group growing up, and even then, she got on my nerves. The bright yellow dress she wore made her look like a highlighter.

"Good Morning!" Blanche chimed. Her voice was almost as irritating to my ears as the doorbell was, and I stared down at the pixie-sized woman with disinterest. "I got your email and have everything set in motion."

My teeth ground together as she pushed past me into my house. She wasn't welcome in there. That wasn't the home I wanted to sell. She had no business stinking up my home with her scent, covering what was left of Joselin.

I stormed forward, walked down the front steps of the porch, and began making my way down the sidewalk with the door left open behind me.

When she realized I wasn't following her, she released a small peppy "Oh!" before chasing after me.

She closed the door behind her, and my anger lessened only a fraction as she jogged to keep up, her annoying neon pink flats tapping against the cement. "I had thought we could go over the numbers and the plan, but you want to jump straight to it! I respect that. Let's see what we are working with. I walked by it this morning. It has the most beautiful tree out front. We could really get more for it if we fix the dead grass, maybe add some flower beds by the front windows. Plus, the roof could use some work, and the...."

I blocked her out, trying not to let my intrusive thoughts win, where I would push her shoulder and send her out into the street in front of a car. The only problem with that was that I needed her. She had the fasted turnaround time for any real estate agent in the town, and I figured it was because she annoyed people into just wanting to get it over with.


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