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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 135

Twenty-Nine: Joselin

Joselin's P.O.V.

Pure bliss.

I didn't care that we had an audience. I didn't care that Tobias was marking me out of jealousy from Cyrus's closeness. Tobias had told me before he left that he would claim me when I got home, and whether it was as soon as I crossed the border or if it had been a week from now, it would have happened eventually.

How and when were of no consequence to me. I wanted it.

Tobias wasn't a romantic man. He was dominant and possessive, and placing his claim on me in front of everyone suited him. I wouldn’t have asked for it another way. I loved that his feelings for me were so strong that he couldn't control himself. Oh, Goddess. I wanted to see him lose control. All control.

I had been dreaming of the day that he let loose and fucked me like a wild beast. That day was coming, and when it did, so would I. 1

My nails dug into his skin as I held him to me, my forehead against his chest, and my eyes closed as I felt the bond forming between us. He chose me.

My body trembled with pleasure from the most intense orgasm I had ever received, and I was ready to ditch my new companion, strip down, and climb on top of my mate.

The word made my mind spin. Mate. He was my mate. His chosen mate, but still just as important in the eyes of his kind and the goddess. Nothing could keep us apart now, and knowing that this meant that I could finally have all of him made my clit throb in excitement.

He had ensured we would be together for the rest of our lives by marking me.

The man I loved had chosen me to be with for the rest of his life. It felt unreal.

His large, beastly form held me possessively to him as I came down from my high. The feeling of him pressed against me drew out the waves of pleasure pulsing through my body. I was wildly aware of the wetness between my legs, sure to have soaked through my panties and possible to have dampened my jeans.

Even in his Lycan form, I was ready to jump him. One day, I would try it.

My lips parted against the rough skin of his chest, and I could feel him hard against my stomach. I couldnt help myself as I pulled back to glance down. My curiosity spurred me on. Everything about him in this form was larger and harder than when he was in his skin.

His cock was bigger than before, hanging heavily between us. The skin of it was slightly darker and matched his Lycan, but the pulsing veins and the drop of pre-cum on the tip made my mouth water.

I had seen aroused Lycans before, but they usually were fucking a woman in her fur, slamming into her like a wild animal. I had never seen anyone in their skin be fucked by someone in the Lycan form, but I wanted it.

'You want me to fuck you right here, sweetheart? Just turn around and bend over.' The words traveled through my mind, and I gasped as I tore my eyes away from the delicious monster between us to the glowing red of my mate's eyes. Til make sure everyone knows exactly who this pussy belongs to.'

He pulled me against him hard, and my head fell back in pleasure when he dipped his and ran his tongue over my new mark. It was euphoric, sending heat through my veins and making me whimper, wanting more.

I wasn't in the right headspace to respond. My only thought was, 768, Tobias did own me just as I owned him.'

'Mh, you smell so good.' He groaned, his hot breath hitting the side of my neck. 'Give me one reason why I shouldn't make this guy watch as I fuck you into the ground before I rip his throat out for touching what is mine.'

My hand slid up his chest, gripping the back of his neck to keep our bodies flush together. His deep, raspy growl caused my desire to pool between my thighs even more, ready for him.

Kill who?

I couldn't picture who he was talking about as his hold around me tightened, and I whimpered with desperation.

'You should.' I responded, not caring about anything other than finally having my man inside me. He could kill anyone he wanted.

"I am so glad you made it!* Aurora's voice called out, disrupting the moment. It was probably good that she did. I had forgotten entirely about Cyrus, and based on the uncomfortable look on his face, he was not enjoying the scene before him. "Why don't you come with me, and we will get you all settled in?"

Cyrus's yellow eyes were trained on me, telling me to remember my promise and that I had a job to do.

He had met Aurora before but was clearly torn between staying with me as the one who had promised him protection and going with her to escape what was about to turn into a very public and hard fucking.


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