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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 


I ignore Kayden’s messages until it’s time for me to go to bed that night. As I lie in bed, I take my phone and take my time to read all my notifications

Kayden: Thank you, love. These past two days are a gift. I will treasure them for the rest of my 

Kayden: Give me time. I will fix everything. I hope that by then, you will come home to me


I stare back at his messages for a long time. I wish Kayden had been like this when we were married. Everything would have been perfect

My phone beeps again. It’s another message from him. This time, he sent me a picture. It’s a photo of his wrist, and on it, he is wearing a familiar golden chain bracelet

Kayden: You left this in the hotel room. I know this is your favorite. You’ve worn this since the first time we met

Me: It is mine. You better give it back

Kayden: I will hold it hostage for a while. It looks nice on my wrist, don’t you think

Me: It’s a woman’s bracelet

Kayden: It has a unisex design. Besides, if I wear this on my wrist, wouldn’t it be like shouting out to the world that I’m taken

I snort as I type my reply

Me: Well, the whole world knows you are taken anyway. Remember Megan

Kayden: Then perhaps it would be a good reminder for her that I do not really belong to her

Me: Then she would know it’s mine. She would know that bracelet. My father gave it to me during my high school graduation

Kayden: It won’t shock her. She knows it’s you I love

Kayden: She knows what she stole from you

I furrow my brows, reading his last message

Steal from me? Megan stole a lot of things from me. My father’s affection, my mother’s house, which she burned down to the ground, and countless other things when we were growing up. But Kayden? Doesn’t she and Kayden go way back? So, for her, it was me who stole Kayden from her when I got married to him

Me: I need to rest now

Kayden: Sweet dreams. I miss you

I don’t reply anymore. As I drift off to sleep, my mind is full of thoughts of what could have been had Kayden treated me like this during our marriage

All throughout the week, I keep myself busy preparing for the next presentation to the board about the King’s Legend project

I put together an elite team in my company, composed of my head architect, and all my top designers, engineers and project managers. I call them all for a meeting

You’re looking at the current designs submitted for King’s Legend. Based on the projections, we will be needing at 


Chapter 71 

least two billion dollars to make this happen.” 

And how much funds were committed for this project?” 

One point seven. That is assuming all the previous investors are not backing out,” Attorney Magnus replies

I think for a while. The previous design is too intricate, that is why it will take a lot of money

I think the previous architects and engineers are not aware of the previous problem. Based on this design, we might need to rethink the structural stability of the entire complex,Archie, my head architect points out

But we have a new site now. This new site tested well. It can support all the structures we want to build on it,I say

Yes. But I still recommend we recheck the design,Archie suggests

Okay. And while we’re at it, maybe you can rethink the entire architectural design. I think we should make a design that will make this grander but at the same time keeping it under a billion,I say. I don’t want to encounter any hiccups in the funding in the future.” 

A sevenstar luxury resort for less than a billion?Attorney Magnus gasps. Surely you are dreaming.” 

Well, dreams are what keeps us moving forward, aren’t they?I smile softly, my mind already working on the possibilities

Well, it will be hard, I must admit. But not impossible.Archie nods in agreement, his eyes glinting with determination

Let’s take this as a challenge, Archie. We can streamline the design without compromising the elegance and luxury we envision for King’s Legend,I say

Well, I will try. But I’m sure you already have your own ideas. You are better at that than I am.” 

As we delve into the details, I start sketching out some rough ideas on the clear board on the side of my desk, pointing out areas where we can optimize space and materials to bring down costs without sacrificing quality. The rest of Archie’s design team also suggests innovative architectural solutions that not only enhance the beauty of the resort but can also potentially bring the costs down

We could use sustainable materials for the façade here, it will give us that modern yet ecofriendly touch that’s so in demand now,Archie explains, his voice full of excitement

By using prefab materials on the north section, we can cut down on both construction time and costs significantly.” 

Archie nods in agreement. His vision aligns perfectly with my goal of creating a masterpiece that not only dazzles but also takes into consideration our financial limitations

It is a long afternoon full of brainstorming. Just then, Lyn knocks on the door

I hate to interrupt, but there’s a delivery for you,she says

Can’t it wait?I ask

Well, it’s not just for you,” Lyn replies

Then she turns around and motions for someone to enter the room

A few delivery guys walk in carrying tall glasses of coffee and boxes of fine French macarons from the posh cafe called Rendezvous

Who ordered this?” 

Lyn shrugs. It came in for you and your team. And yours came with this.” She hands me a basket of beautiful pastel 


Chapter 71 

preserved flowers

Oh, so pretty!” 

I know! Eternal flowers are in trend now. You’ll be able to display that on your desk for at least a year.” 

Who did it come from?” 

Beats me. Perhaps from your secret admirer.” She gives me a wink and then walks out of the room

Secret admirer?Attorney Magnus raises a teasing brow at me


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