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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 


I excuse myself from my team and on the corridor, I dial Kayden’s number

He answers in one ring. Now that I think of it, even back when we were married, when I call him, he does answer in one or a few rings. And he always sounded worried, as if he was afraid something bad had happened to me

Did you send them?I ask

Did you like them?he asks back

The macarons are delicious, the coffee is the perfect blend, and the flowers are exquisite,I reply

You’re welcome, then.” 

That’s not the point, Kayden!I hiss

Okay, what is the point then?” 

You shouldn’t be sending me flowers or pastries or coffee.” 

Why not? Doesn’t Sullivan send you stuff all the time?” 

That’s different.” 

How is that different?I can hear the sadness in his voice. He’s your suitor, isn’t he not?” 

Well, yes. I think so.” 

Then why can’t I do the same? I’m trying to win you over, too, am I not?” 

I sigh. In all honesty, I find his gesture sweet. And I did appreciate it

Look, Cassie,” he says. I asked for time. I know that my life is complicated right now. But I’m trying to find a way that will work out for us. I don’t care about what people will say about me, but I am going to make sure that you and Kai will be safe. I will fix this situation with Megan. Just trust me, okay?” 

Should I, though?I ask sadly. Should I put my fate in your hands just like I did seven years ago?” 

If you do, you will realize that I am no longer the same man you married seven years ago,he replies. Or maybe I am the same man. But this time, there will be no more masks, no pretenses. I am no longer going to hide what I really feel about you.” 


I turn around and see Archie motioning me to go back to the meeting

Look, I gotta go,” I tell Kayden. Thank you for the stuff that you sent. The flowers are beautiful. And I’ve always loved French macarons.” 

I know,he says

Huh? How would you know?” 

I observe. And contrary to your belief, I actually do pay attention to you. And there’s a lot of things I remember about you. Things that you like. Things that make you smile. Things thatmake you sad.” 


Chapter 79 

You would remember that won’t you? The things that make sad?” 

He sighs heavily. I know. And I promise I will make up for that for as long as I live.” 

I gotta go, Kayden. We’re in the middle of a meeting.” 

Yeah. You have a presentation next week. I guess I’ll see you then.” 

If we ever get this done right somehow.” 

Need any help?” 

Not at the moment. I’m confident in my team. But I will remember what 

Please. You can call me anytime.” 

Alright. Bye now.” 

I love you.” 

I pause for a moment. See you later.” 

you said.” 

Then I hung up. I glance at the phone in my hand, feeling a wave of conflicting emotions. Kayden’s words echo in my mind, his promises and declarations stirring something deep within me. As I make my way back to the meeting, the scent of the French macarons he sent linger in the air, a sweet reminder of his thoughtful gestures. Despite my efforts to push him away, a part of me yearn for his presence, for his unwavering determination to make things right

A week later, I stand in front of King’s Court Boardroom in South Carolina to present the latest developments on King’s Legend

My phone beeps. I check my message and see Kayden’s name on the screen

Kayden: Good luck. You got this

I glance across the room and meet Kayden’s eyes. He gives me a smile and a wink

Are we all here?one of the shareholders ask

We are still waiting for Miss Brown.” 

Let’s wait for a couple more minutes.” 

We waited a good fifteen minutes and Megan is a noshow

Mr. Steele, is Miss Brown joining us anytime soon?” 

All eyes go to Kayden. He stares at us blankly and is evident he has no idea where Megan could have been. Why would he know?” 

Because she is his fiancee, isn’t he?” 

Right. So, where is she?” 

I bite my lip. As if I need another reminder that in the eyes of everybody, Kayden belongs to Megan

Well, I am not aware of Miss Brown’s whereabouts,” Kayden replies in a firm, cold voice. But I cannot wait to hear 

Chapter 72 

what Miss Carlisle will present today. Shall we begin?” 

Kayden stares at me. In his face, I can see a quiet apology

Okay, let’s begin.” 

I present the new designs for King’s Legend, which includes a revolutionary concept for sustainability and eco- friendliness. As I unveil the plans, the room fills with murmurs of surprise

This grand structure of King’s Legend is now not just a symbol of luxury and opulence but also a beacon of sustainability. We will showcase the efficient use of solar panels, not just on the roof, but also a great portion of the 


Wait, aren’t majority of the walls supposed to be made of glass?” 

Yes. You are right,I reply. It looks like elegant glass, but we will be using transparent photovoltaic glass panels. So, it may look like glass, but in truth, it is harnessing the sun’s energy to power the whole building.” 

Kayden watches me with a mix of pride and longing in his eyes. I can sense his silent support and approval

As I conclude, the shareholders erupt into applause, impressed by our innovative approach to sustainable design

We will take a break and we will discuss the financials and funding sources in the next phase.” 

I take a moment to got to the ladies room, finally breathing in a sense of relief and pride. The shareholders are impressed. I am finally able to pull this off. Now, everybody will think that I deserve this position. I am the head of King’s Court not just because I share a DNA with its previous chairman

I walk back towards the boardroom. Just as I reach for the doorknob, a strong hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into the empty room across the boardroom

Startled, I turn around to find myself facetoface with Kayden


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