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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 10

  Writer's POV

  There was a sickening silence in the room and it didn't help that the younger Alpha had an evil gleam in his eyes, as he patiently waited for the Alpha King to give his response.

  Why was he doing this? Requesting for her like some sort of object.

  There were thousands of chefs that he could afford but he had chosen Serena? He didn't have good intentions; she was sure about that and the smirk on his face proved it.

  A wave of fear rushed through her and she shivered under the cold air as she could possibly think of better coffee makers than her. Hell, there was even a coffee maker machine!

  So why was he trying so hard to get her? There was nothing special about her, not her coffee.

  It was another four minutes before the king spoke.

  "You do know what slaves are, Declan. Slaves know their masters more intimately for ages. They know most of their secrets and it wouldn't be good if those secrets are let into the open." He said, his voice thundering above everyone.

  "Do you have another agenda for demanding the only slave I have. I'm starting to wonder." He continued, pinning the Alpha who had been referred to as Declan, with a deadly emotionless stare.

  Declan's smile was wiped off immediately as he stared with confusion, and a hint of anger.

  "No...no...my lord. Of course not." He stuttered, not expecting such a response from the King.

  "So, what then? If not for the act of discovering all my secrets by taking my slave. Slaves are bound to their masters but it seems you want to destroy that bond and create yours." The king said, reading every emotion that betrayed the young Alpha's face.

  From confusion to anger and then to remorse. Those weren't his intentions, he quickly looked to the Older Alpha for help who sat beside him and had been quiet since the conversation started. For he was speechless.

  The Older Alpha stood up with a small smile on his face, his eyes darted from Declan to the King.

  "My lord. Your Highness." He bowed a little. "I'm sure Declan here doesn't have that intention. But I would love to apologise to him on your behalf." He explained and Declan nodded vigorously in agreement.

  "Leave this room. Wait for me in my chambers." The Alpha King said, not sparing her another glance.

  Was he trying to protect her? Did he really not want to give her up to the younger Alpha?

  Was he really that possessive about the things he owed?

  She thought as she walked back quietly into the Kitchen.

  There was no way for her to leave this castle, ever. He would go through any length, decline any offer so she could be stuck here forever.

  She sighed, dropping the empty tray on the counter just as she heard a voice behind her.

  "Hey." She turned, there was a guy, a new face staring at her. He had a straight face, dark brown eyes and wavy black hair.

  "I thought the king asked you to leave for his chambers. You want him to get to his chambers before you?" He asked with seriousness and she shook her head.

  "No..no. I just don't know my way around here yet. I am waiting for someone, I need someone to take me." Serena answered.

  "Come on," the guy said. He turned and left the kitchen, leaving Serena to follow him.

  As they walked down the hallway, she thought of when she would never get familiar with the hallways and rooms they passed. It might take a while because everything was so complicated and looked the same.

  By the time they arrived at the hallway to the King's Chambers she could see the guards ahead, the guy left her almost immediately after saying she was on her own now. She muttered a 'thank you' to him.

  She walked shyly to the guards, who turned to her at the sound of her feet scuffing the floor.

  "I..I..want to pass, the king--" She started to stutter but the guards pulled away from the huge doors, letting her through.

  "Go in." One said and she nodded quickly, entering the dark room, the door shut behind her, taking away the little light that came with it.

  She continued walking into the room, her hands in front of her, frantically searching the room blindly for a switch.

  As she walked, he heard soft movements, making her stop in her tracks.

  "Hello?" She called out but no one answered. Maybe she hadn't heard well and it was just her fear getting the best of her.

  She continued looking for the switch when she heard another noise from her left, she gasped and turned to it.

  "Hello?" She asked fearfully.

  Her heart thumped loudly in her chest, and she stepped back, flinching when her back hit the cold wall behind her.

  Who was there? She wanted to ask but fear pushed up her throat as she started to shiver. The room got colder or maybe it was the spirit of the former slave who had committed suicide, and had come to hunt the King!

  Her mind burst into chaos and she slid to the floor, covering her face with her hands and pushing her knees up her chest.

  But why would the spirit hunt her? She wasn't the king, couldn't she see that!

  The footsteps got louder and she covered her face in fear, shaking visibly as the footsteps got closer and turned to two and four.

  "Oh.. please, oh please.." She started to plead to the supposed spirit.

  **Back at the sitting room.

Chapter 10  Scared 1


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