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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 12

  Writer's POV

  Serena walked into her room, feeling weak, exhausted and confused. Emotions clouded her mind at once and there was no time to sort them out.

  She doesn't understand what had happened in the king's chambers. Nor why it happened. All she knew was that he asked her to wait there. She laid on the bed, kicking off her shoes tiredly.

  Her cellphone she had totally forgotten about due to the fear vibrated in her pocket.

  Maybe it was Kate, she thought, digging it out her smile fell. It wasn't Kate but a blush filled her cheeks as her smile returned when she realized who was calling.

  She picked up and placed the phone over her left ear.

  "Hello." She said happily, lying on her back so she faced the high ceilings.

  "Hi, S how are you doing?" Martin's voice rang out from the other end and it vibrated through her.

  "I'm good and you." She replies eagerly, waiting for his response. There was a little noise of movements before he settled in.

  "I'm cool. So how is tonight going? Have you eaten dinner yet?"

  Serena laughed shyly, covering her face as if he could see her.

  "Tonight... tonight is manageable." She laughed. "And no I haven't eaten, but I'll eat soon."

  "Oops, you should be quick about that or should I get you dinner and bring it over? Oh..oh I don't even know where you live." Martins said, chuckling at the end.

  At the mention of where she lived, her heart sank.

  She couldn't possibly tell him she lived at the King's estate, more less give him a reason that she was his slave. She wasn't prepared to tell him, not now and not any time soon.

  She was silent for a while, before a sad smile curled her lips.

  "Um.. Martins, you don't have to worry about where I stay. Or about me. I'll eat dinner soon. I promise." She said, a tint of red staining her cheeks. Having someone care about her, asking if she was ok, if she had eaten felt so foreign to her but at the same time filled her stomach with butterflies.

  "Uhm, okay if you say so. I'll believe you. I'll give you a call tomorrow morning then. Just wanted to hear your beautiful voice before bed. Do have a good night's rest." Came Martin's voice before he ended the call abruptly.

  Serena placed the phone on her chest, her eyes fixed dreamily on the chandelier glowing softly above her. A satisfied smile on her lips.

  How did this happen? How on Earth does he like me and care about me?

  Just a few minutes ago, she was scared, crying for her life and all alone, locked up in the king's chambers in the dark until the guards suddenly opened the door asking her to come out.

  She had dragged her tired feet back to the mini mansion after they told her the king was busy.

  Grateful that she was finally out of there. The king's chambers had been so different from before.

  Or was it the king's chambers? She thought

  A knock sounded on her door and she bolted from the bed in shock, narrowly dropping her phone on the floor.

  "Dinner!" She heard someone yell before the footsteps faded away.

  Serena stood up and rushed into the bathroom to shower and afterwards put on a loose night dress and pulled her hair into a messy bun before leaving the room for dinner.

  She got to the dinning where others were gathered and started searching for Isaac. The last time she saw him was during the day, when he came to inform her that the king was around and she longed for his companionship.

  As she wondered if he was here or would he be coming soon she headed for the dinning table. Settling on a chair, a little away from the others, she used her wolf's smell to search for Isaac but no trace of his familiar scent was around.

  She looked at the others as they ate, laughed and talked. She didn't want to ask any of them. Afraid people might mock or laugh at her, Serena had learnt the hard way not to ask people for help, she stayed on her own after being called stupid or snubbed a lot of times.

  And the only time she ever spoke with others was if it was urgent or inevitable. And as if on cue someone spoke.

  "Where is Isaac?" It was a guy, who sat at the other end of the table, eyes frantically looking around for him.

  "I don't know. The last time I saw him was when he was rushing out of the castle. I have no idea what he has been up to lately." Another guy answered dryly.

  "Come on, Kendrick, you two are best friends. Call him."

  "He might not tell me where he is. He has been acting a bit off lately." Kendrick answered, throwing a piece of food in his mouth nonchalantly.

  "Oh..you two haven't been on good terms?" The first guy who asked about Isaac spoke. His eyes sparkled with interest.

  "Nope. That's not it. We are cool, he is just keeping things from me, things he is supposed to share. He has been keeping it to himself or probably telling someone else." Kendrick said, suddenly turning to Serena who gasped when the other guys faced her too.

  She forcefully peeled her eyes to her plate and started to eat, heart thumping in her chest praying they didn't say anything to her.

  "Hey Serena, or what's your name. Where the fück is Isaac?" The voice she recognized as Kendrick asked loudly, and all heads turned to her as all the chatter died down.

  "I..I don't know." She muttered, shifting uncomfortably in her seat, feeling holes burning into her skin.

  "You don't know? How is that possible, considering you guys have been really close lately? Heard he took you along with him to get groceries for the house. Is he gonna take you on the next one too?" Kendrick asked, his voice laced with anger directed at Serena.

  "Come on. She doesn't know, she was busy getting tortured by her mind in the king's sacred room. How is she to know the things happening outside that door?" Betty chipped in mockingly and Serena turned to them.

  Betty had just walked into the dinning, tray in hand, taking a seat opposite Kendrick.

  As Serena furrowed her brows in confusion at Betty's response. She couldn't think of the meaning of those words, all she wanted to do was leave.

  Without another word, she stood up abruptly from her seat, and started to run out of the dinning, her stomach grumbled in refusal but she was already running out when she slammed into a figure.

  She lifted her eyes to see Isaac standing in front of her, he touched her shoulders and she breathed in a sigh of relief before brushing past him.

  "You know what you did wasn't so nice, Kendrick. I am not lost, I'm not a kid and I don't need to tell you about every damn thing that goes on in my life, do I?" She heard Isaac say to Kendrick.

  "Well, if you say so, Isaac. But remember you said those words, don't forget them." Kendrick warned, growling threateningly.

  "Cünt," Isaac mumbled but of course everyone in the room heard him.

  He paid no mind to them as he ran after Serena who was already mid way towards her room.

  Serena turned to look at Isaac, tears already filled her eyes and were threatening to fall at any moment all she had to do was blink.

Chapter 12  Siblings 1


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