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The CEO Alpha King novel Chapter 4


  Writer's P O V

  When Serena got home, she couldn't stop thinking how she was now a slave for such a stupid mistake. Not just any slave. But a slave to the Alpha King.

  As she pulled open the door, she couldn't sense anyone in the house, it was better. No one would witness this her walk of shame. How would she even explain to her family that her clumsiness had finally put her in trouble.

  Quickly, she ran to her room to pack her things. Her clothes were old and worn-out, but she didn't have any other ones. She pulled the rest of her things into her only box.

  With teary eyes, Serena laid on her bed, folding up herself in a circle and soon fell asleep.

  She woke when she started to hear voices downstairs, as she stood up, rubbing her sleepy eyes she made her way out of her room.

  On reaching the kitchen she found Kate and her stepfather making dinner. The table was filled with various dishes and she wondered what the occasion was.

  "Kate." Serena called out to her sister who was going about, setting the table.

  "Oh, you are awake. Come and sit down, it's your goodbye dinner. I personally asked my father to be present for you tonight." Kate said, dropping a set of cutleries before facing Serena who stared at her with wide eyes.

  Goodbye dinner? Did she hear what had happened at the office?

  "Is your slave sister awake yet? Oh..there she is." Her stepfather walked into the dinning room, dropping a tray of barbecue sauce and a bottle of wine on the table, a smile on his face as she watched Serena.

  Of course Kate had heard what happened and had blabbed to their father. That was what this whole dinner was about? A goodbye to her being a slave?

  "Sit down Serena," Kate ordered, taking a seat just beside our father who was at the head of the table.

  Serena sat, this was starting to get embarrassing. Of course this was something that could happen. Her family happily sent her to death itself.

  "I thought it would be nice. Making a farewell party for you, not that I'm actually concerned with what happens to you. I'm sure he'll kill you or sell you out in a few days time anyways." Kate said while cutting her steak.

  "Hmm, you really do love your sister." Their father said, smiling as he poured down a glass of wine.

  But Serena couldn't utter a word. She was too shocked, too tired and too sad to say anything. She wanted to cry but tears wouldn't just come out.

  "Why on Earth did my mother leave you to meet Serena's father?" Kate asked her father suddenly just for the sake of laughs.

  "Simple. Lolita was stupid. She was blinded. She stupidly left me for an ugly looking monk, claiming he is her fated husband or whatever. I care less, all I care about is you my darling." Kate's father replied, playing along while pinching Kate's cheeks.

  "Dad please. She is still my mother but if she hadn't left you then I trust that she'll still be alive and well. If she hadn't left you, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant with her ugly husband and gotten pregnant with a child who killed her at the end. It's so sad." Kate replied, throwing a piece of food in her mouth while eyeing Serena who hadn't even started eating.

  "It's so sad that the child you brought to life took your own life. I hope mother has learnt her lesson." Kate added, smirking now.

  It wasn't until a drop of tear landed on Serena's plate she knew she had been crying, she felt Kate's fingers on her cheek, wiping off the trail of tears behind.

  But the expression on her face was far from remorseful. Everything she had said tonight had been on purpose, to make Serena feel like a piece of trash. As usual.

  "You haven't touched your dinner, why is that?" Her stepfather asked, feigning concern.

  Having enough of the game of fake pity, Serena stood up abruptly to leave.

  "I think I'll go to my room now. Thanks for dinner."

  "Try to stay alive there, at least for a month. We won't be seeing each other anymore and we won't be bonded by anything because you are now a slave and I can't be siblings with a slave." Serena said, before Serena could climb the stairs to her room.

  But she was met with silence as Serena ran up the stairs, slamming her door shut and jumping on her bed, before letting all the tears she's been holding back fall freely in her pillow.

  The next morning she woke up, she checked her phone realising she had a text from a strange number.

  "I'll be picking you up by 700." She read out loud and she knew just exactly who it was from.

  She glanced at the time and had a few minutes to get ready. Rushing to the bathroom she went about her business and just at exactly seven. She was in an oversized matching shirts and trousers

  A car horn alerted outside her window and she knew he was here. Mr Zed, the Alpha King must have sent a driver to get her, because he sure wasn't going to come himself.

  With shaky legs, she grabbed her box and started for the door. There were two bulky men standing at the entrance of the house. One was a human and the other was a werewolf.

  On reaching the door, they took her luggage and headed outside where a black SUV was waiting for them. Her luggage was carefully kept in the car booth and the door opened for her.

  But in that moment of hesitation, she looked back at the house. She might have thought Kate or her step father would have come down to bid her good-bye or apologise for being mean. Even if it was fake, she just wished there was someone waving at her.

  Blinking back tears, she got into the car, and it started to move out, driving her out of the place she once called home.

  As the journey continued for hours, she started to wonder what life she would have from now on. What would she meet in her new home? A home where she would now be a slave?


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