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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 22

Dorothy immediately denied it. "No way!"

"Did your friend tell you whether this guy is any good in bed or not? If he's all bark and no bite, forget about it."

Dorothy instinctively replied, "Not really."

"Did your friend discuss this with you?" Karen's eyes widened; she loved these spicy topics. "Who's the friend? Don't beat around the bush."

"Ah...you don't know her. She's an old schoolmate of mine." Dorothy, afraid of letting something slip, quickly changed the topic. "By the way, I've arranged a meeting with the person in charge of the SinoSuccess Enterprises project today. Are you free?"

Karen hesitated, looking a bit troubled. "I can't today. The head office has transferred the supplementary funds for Harmony Ventures. I have to go there."

"That's okay. I'll go alone."

Dorothy tidied up a bit, printed out the list of third-party companies that Everett had emailed her, compiled them into a folder, and then checked the time before heading out to the arranged meeting place.

The person in charge of SinoSuccess Enterprises was a middle-aged man. Although he was a bit old, he looked well-maintained and dressed stylishly. Plus, he spoke with a bit of an accent.

"We can't shoulder all the risk for the third-party loans on behalf of the Prosperity Consortium, can we?" His tone was tough from the get-go.

Of course, he was well aware that their group needed this project.

Although the risk was high, the profit return was quite tempting.

"Mr. Robert, reaching the amount stated in your investment guarantee letter is the contractual responsibility of SinoSuccess Enterprises, isn't it?" Dorothy handed over the photocopy of the guarantee letter with a smile. She carefully chose her words. "We at the Prosperity Consortium have certainly shown the greatest sincerity. We believe that SinoSuccess Enterprises would also want this project to be successful, which is why Mr. Percy has come up with this solution."

"Hmph." Mr. Robert didn't give her any dignity. He looked Dorothy up and down and then said, "Since the final contract hasn't been signed, you guys at the Prosperity Consortium are making fun of our guarantee amount. Perhaps I should just forget it. The Lopez Corporation is indeed very big, but SinoSuccess Enterprises doesn't need to climb up this high tree."

As he said this, he got up to leave.


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