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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 23

Dorothy's stubborn consciousness suddenly collapsed.

Her body instinctively chose to trust Everett, and she fainted in his arms.

She didn't see the man's sharp face, but it was as tense as a bowstring. His usually stoic eyes now also held a layer of ice.

“Everett…” Mr. Robert was dumbstruck and trembling all over. He hadn't expected to meet such a big shot today.

“You'd better pray nothing happened to her.” Everett's voice was flat, but it was chilling to hear.

After seeing him carry the woman away, Mr. Robert was so scared that he slumped onto the chair, unable to stand.

Dorothy felt like she had had a long dream.

The scenes started with her mother's suicide, where there was blood everywhere, then school classrooms, then Mr. Percy's angry face. They were flashing past like a slide show.

Suddenly, a wave of great pain woke her up.

She opened her eyes slowly. The white ceiling of the hospital made her feel uncomfortable, so she instinctively wanted to raise her hand to block it.

But when she moved her hand, she noticed someone was holding it.

Dorothy turned her head and saw Everett, wearing a wrinkled shirt, sleeping with one hand on the bed and the other tightly holding hers.

The lights in the ward were on, so it must have been the middle of the night. Had he been at the hospital with her the whole time?

Otherwise, with his cleanliness, he would definitely have changed his clothes.

After looking at his worried face, Dorothy could clearly feel something was changing inside her.

So, this was what it felt like to have someone with you when you were vulnerable.

She had forgotten how long it had been since she had someone by her side when she was sick.

Since her mother's suicide attempt and her hospitalization, Dorothy had been working tirelessly to make money for over ten years. She had gritted her teeth through minor illnesses, and when she had to go to the hospital, she was always alone.


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