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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 121

The Charming ExWife 

Chapter 121 Basic Manners 

You can think however you like.Josiah’s voice was muted

A frown immediately formed on Lysander’s forehead when she heard that

She glared at Josiah. What is he trying to do

Is he throwing a drunken fitt 

Or is he intent on making life difficult for me

When Josiah found himself on the receiving end of her glare, his anger slightly subsided as a touch of reason returned to him. It seems to you that anytime I’m out of your sight, I must be with her anyway.” 

Perhaps it was due to Josiah’s excessively nonchalant attitude that Lysanne didn’t harbor any doubts this time

All right, twenty minutes, then. I’ll send you my location. Come pick me up.” 

Josiah ended the call abruptly and turned off his phone

At last, it was peaceful

He slumped wearily onto the couch, exhaling deeply

Aren’t you worried she’ll kick up a fuss when you get back if you just turned off your phone like that?” 

Josiah gave a cool smile. Then, I won’t be going back.” 

Lysander quickly asked, Do you want to stay in a hotel? Should I have Ms. Collins make a reservation for you?” 

Lysander, don’t worry, I won’t be staying over at your place.” 

Having her thoughts exposed, Lysander didn’t feel too embarrassed

She explained, When it’s just a man and a woman alone, it’s better to be cautious.” 

Josiah let out a hum from deep within his chest

Do you want more water?” 


Josiah took a few more small sips of hot water, managing to subdue a good amount of his drunkenness

Lysander couldn’t help but find it amusing. It seems that arguments really do have a way of invigorating the mind

In the future, when I work the night shift and encounter a drunken ruckus, there’s no need to go through so much trouble. I’ll just argue with them a bit and it’ll sober them up in no time

Josiah slowly rose to his feet. Guess I’ll be going, then.” 

All right, take care.” 


3.16 PM 

Chapter 121 Basic Manners 

Josiah chuckled. Is there really a need for such formalities?” 

It’s in basic manners.” 

Josiah slowly nodded. All right, I’ll stop bothering you, then.” 

And don’t bother coming around in the future.” 

Josiah gazed at her intensely for a moment, then turned and left

The door was swiftly slammed shut

Josiah turned around, looking at the tightly shut door behind him. Thousands of thoughts swirled in his mind, but in the end, all he could do was let out a sigh of helplessness

When she went to work the next day, Lysander made it her priority to visit Priscilla

As soon as she entered the office, Lynn sneakily approached her before she could even change her clothes. Dr. Thorne.” 

Having hung up her coat, Lysander swapped it for a white lab coat

What’s the matter?” 

Dr. Ziegler’s daughter doesn’t have the best taste, does she?” 

Lysander had a good grasp of Harry’s character

However, hearing Lynn say this, she reckoned something must have happened yesterday

Lysander fastened her buttons before picking up the medical record from the table. As she walked out, she flipped through it. Did Priscilla have another bleeding episode last night?” 


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