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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 267

Chapter 267 She Is On Her Period Today

“Hey, Josiah, don’t be angry. Can’t I state the facts?” Zachary said. “Anyway, that’s all in the past. Now, our Lysander is the one you hold dear.”

Josiah’s tone remained icy. “Didn’t bring roasted potatoes to continue pleasing her today?”

“First, I’m afraid of getting hit, and second,” Zachary chuckled, “I got Lysander some warm milk. She’s on her period today, and something warm would make her feel better.”

Josiah’s eyes flickered slightly as he looked at Lysander.

Lysander’s complexion didn’t look too good.

She was indeed on her period.

But how did Zachary know?

Josiah raised an eyebrow at her. “No wonder you’re in a bad mood today.”

“I was dragged out of work to watch a weird movie out of the blue. It’d be a surprise if I weren’t in a bad


Josiah nodded. “Next time, I’ll have Ms. Collins check the movie reviews first. We’ll only go

go to the ones

with good reviews.”

With Zachary present, Lysander didn’t want to argue with Josiah anymore, so she stayed silent.

The waiter soon brought the coffee and warm milk.

Lysander sipped her milk quietly. This negotiation was primarily between these two men, and she had little to do with it.

Zachary’s condition came quickly. “I want Guerra Group’s project management rights for the next three years.”

Josiah took a sip of his coffee, seeming to find it bitter and took the warm milk directly from her to drink.

The milk was sweet and fragrant with added sugar, and his brow relaxed slightly. “You have quite an appetite. Guerra Group handles dozens, even hundreds of projects each year. With the funds over ten digits, you’re asking me to bet my fortune against yours.”

I originally planned for five years,” Zachary said. “If Lysander and I get married and buy a house. together, even if you wanted us to divorce, it wouldn’t be a matter of five years. It could be eight or ten years, right?”


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