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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 280

Chapter 280 Your Taste Is Worse Than Mine

Aiden as booked the entire billiard lounge.

Zane was hiding in a corner, typing on his phone like a discreetly. No one could tell who he was reporting the news to.

Adrian seemed to be himself, but as a call came in, he went to a slightly farther place to answer. With one hand resting on the pool table and the other holding the phone, he stood with a leisurely stance. As if he heard something amusing, he lowered his head and chuckled softly, subconsciously covering hist mouth with his hand.

“Tsk tsk. I really suspect Yvonne’s law degree was bought.”

Daphne and Lysander were walking at the back of the group, shaking their heads as they gossiped.

“Lysander, do you feel the same about her?”

Lysander answered carefully, “I don’t understand the professional courses of law students very well.”

Daphne clicked her tongue again. “Was I asking about her professional course? You’re just pretending to be confused when you clearly understand what I mean,”

Lysander couldn’t hold back, gently bursting into laughter.

When Daphne saw that she understood, she crossed her arms and sighed. “Birds of a feather flock. together. That mistress isn’t too bright either. That’s why she can only hang out with Yvonne.”

“I must refute you on this. Setting aside her personality, Lysanne is professionally competent. She once earnestly explained to me marriage law and property law.”

Upon hearing the name of this law, Daphne laughed. Don’t praise her just yet. I just sent a message Zane, asking about something.”

“So, Zane was chatting with you earlier?”

“He should be, but he is a double agent. After reporting to me, he immediately goes to report to Josiah.

When she heard the name Josiah, the smile on Lysander’s lips faded a bit.

Daphne pointed some distance away. “What do you think about this Yvonne, is it real or just an act?”

Throughout the journey, Yvonne’s treatment of Adrian was noticeably special.

To be precise, she wasn’t trying to flatter him. Instead, she was just being sarcastic..

For instance, when Adrian casually complimented Aiden on his new car, Yvonne had to interject, “What’s so good about Porsche? It’s something for the nouveau riche who have no taste at all. Dr. Sutton’s medical skills are not bad, but his taste really needs improvement.”

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