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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 287

Chapter 287 How Do You Want To Play

Aiden slapped his face with a resounding smack.

Zane was slowly backing away, ready to bolt at any moment.

Only Daphne remained, reveling in the chaos. “Ms. Elmore, you still haven’t answered my question. How do you know the child’s skin color was due to hyperpigmentation? And how do you know Lysanne was bringing food to Old Mrs. Guerra?”

“Lysanne told me herself. I believe her.”


A piercing sound echoed.

Zane, in his haste to escape, had knocked over a chair

He yelled as he made his escape, “Josiah, I’ve got something urgent at home. Gotta go!”

Then he quickly fled the “crime scene.

Aiden’s curses followed, “D’mn it, Zane! You ran off without me!”

Yvonne was baffled. “Why is Zane running-away? What’s he so scared of, like he’s seen a ghost?”

Daphne nodded enthusiastically. “It’s almost Halloween. Maybe he really did see something spooky.”

Yvonne scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. “Ms. Everhart, do you have any common sense? Halloween was two or three months ago.”

“Oh, it’s already passed? Well, I must be really dumb.

“It’s not your

fault,” Yvonne generously replied. “Knowing you’re dumb means you’re not too dumb. Just read more books in the future.”

Struggling to hold back her laughter, Daphne nodded. “Okay, thanks for the advice, Ms. Elmore.”

“It’s nothing. After all, I graduated from a famous law school, unlike you who graduated from a third- rate university. Encouraging you to read more is for your own good.”

“Okay, okay, thanks for your great kindness, Ms. Elmore. I’ll never forget it,” Daphne said before. bursting into laughter. “I can’t hold it in anymore. You guys keep chatting. I’ll go laugh over there for a while. Hahaha…”

Yvonne was bewildered and asked Lysander, “Is your friend really mentally ill? If she is, it’s better to seek treatment early. Mental health shouldn’t be neglected.”

Lysander cleared her throat. “Well, thanks for your concern.”


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