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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 300

Chapter 300 Every Parent Loves Their Child

Lysander didn’t remember how she got home that day.

Laura opened the door for her, hurriedly saying, “You wash your hands first. The food has gotten cold, so I’ll go and heat it up for you.”

In the kitchen, five or six small dishes were neatly arranged, filled with various kinds of food, and a


“Mom, is all this left for me?”

Laura started the fire, working and speaking at the same time, “Yes, the three of us have already eaten. We saved some for you in advance. Why did you come back so late today? Didn’t you say you basically don’t work overtime recently?”

The range hood on the stove seemed to be quite old. It was very i


Lysander could only faintly hear her mother’s voice, but she could clearly see her mother’s busy and hardworking figure.

Those few dishes, two of them were what Michelle liked, and the other two were what Lysander liked.


“What’s wrong?” Laura raised her head, looking at her with confusion. “The dishes will be all heated up soon, so you should go wash your hands. It will be ready in no time.”

“Why do you keep staring at me? Is there something on my face? Did I just get some soot on it the bottom of the pot?”

Laura wiped her hands hastily and continued cooking the hot dishes.

As Lysander walked into the room, Maverick was sitting at the head of the bed, seemingly flippin through a bank book. Seeing her return, he hurriedly waved his hand at her. “Lysa, my eyesight is poor now. Come in quickly and help me look at this.”

It wasn’t until Lysander walked into the room that she saw Maverick holding several bank books in hi


“Dad, what are you doing?”

Maverick laughed somewhat bleakly. “Aren’t you going abroad? It’s always comfortable at home, but things will get rough once you’re out. I heard that ravioli costs hundreds per serving in Stounia. You’d better bring more money with you.”


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