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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 313

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 40 (Nolan)

“Fighter Nolan, might I have a word?” Councilman Jason asks before we can disconnect from the Alpha call.

“Of course, do you want me to call you?”

“If Alpha Jaxon is okay to leave the video on, we can just stay here,” he says, and I look up at Alpha Jaxon. “Just turn it off when you’re done,”

Alpha Jaxon says, holding his newborn son.

“Did you want me to stay or go, Nolan?” Taylor asks me.

I look at Councilman Jason. “Is there a reason my mate can’t stay?” I ask, and I see Taylor’s l*ips tip up. She likes it when I call her my mate. It gives me hope for us.

“That is up to you, but I don’t see any reason she shouldn’t stay, especially when this idea was hers to begin with,” he says.

“What idea?” she asks, looking up at the video screen on the wall.

“The idea that the fighters would act as guards during the Beta Trials,” Councilman Jason says, looking from her to me. “So, I’d like to know if you’d be willing to offer your services to protect our packs while they compete in the Beta Trials. I would hope that the rogues will be caught and dealt with in the next couple of months, but if not, we’ll need all the eyes and ears we canget. The best fighters of all would make those of us on the council feel a lot better about continuing the Trials,” Councilman Jason says.

“No, that was a terrible idea,” Taylor says, her voice panicked as she turns to me. “You would be at risk, Nolan. I brought this idea up before I knew you. You can’t do this,” she says, and I can tell that this is coming from a place of fear, but it angers me that she feels that I am so incapable of protecting not only myself, but also others from these rogues.

“I can do this if I choose to, Taylor. This is my decision to make, not yours,” I tell her.

“Have you even asked the others?” she snaps at Councilman Jason.

“Yes, I have, and they have all agreed,”

he tells her calmly.

“I agree. Please send me the information Councilman,” I say, knowing that Taylor and I are about to have a battle of wills and not wanting an audience for it.

“I will forward it to your email, Nolan.

Thank you,” he says before disconnecting the call.

“No, Nolan. I forbid it!” Taylor says and I can feel her Alpha aura in the command.

I grab her and pull her to me. “You are not my Alpha and even if you were, as your mate, your command flows off of me. Do not think that you can control me just because you are an Alpha, Taylor,” I growl at her.

“What about as your mate? Would you listen to me as your mate?” she asks, fighting against my hold, but I don’t let go.

“I am listening to you. But you haven’t given me any reason to decline the work. I am the best in my division, Taylor. That makes me the perfect person to be asked to act as a guard in these events. Even you thought so until your heart got involved.”

“You could be injured,” she says. “Correct, just like I could be injured in every training exercise I participate in,” I counter.

“You could catch this new virus. It could kill you,” she says, taking a different approach.

“And I’m willing to have Dr. Braxton check my blood and see if I have the antibodies. If not, I will get the vaccine, as I’m sure it will be offered to not only the fighters, but also everyone participating in the Trials.”

“What if something happens to you?” she says softly, her fear making her vulnerable.

I stroke her cheek, thinking through my response to her. It is possible that I will get hurt. It’s possible that I could be killed, so I won’t lie to her about that. But it isn’t likely, especially if my other fighter peers are there as well.

“We’ve never sparred together, but I hear you are a fierce competitor.”


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