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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 311

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 38 (Jordan)

After our call, Dr. Braxton heads back to the bear clan. I got a room for two nights not sure what we might need to do while we were here. It’s good that I did because we have an Alpha meeting in the morning to talk about the packs.

After Dr. Braxton left, Jace and I sit in the room and work on our computers. I have a lot to catch up on from the pack, and so does Jace. Elijah is doing a great job and so is Jaxon, but there is more that needs to be done. With two of us out, the work is piling up.

“I think we should take volunteers who are willing to move temporarily to the new packs. Then the new Alphas and their mates won’t be alone. Maybe we could look at those that are thinking about moving to one of the new packs and this way, they can see if they are comfortable with it,” I say. I was staring off as I spoke, but now I refocus on Jace who is smiling at me.

I frown. “What?”

“I’d bet money that no other Alpha has considered giving up their pack members to help the new packs out,” he says.

“I’m sure they have. How else are these new packs going to get up and running. And we already know that some of our pack members are going to leave.

Some may want a new start, some may like the idea of being a part of building a new pack, and there are those who will be fighting for their positions as Beta and Gamma. I mean, there are lots of reasons why pack members may want to leave. This way, we give them the opportunity to truly see what they are in for, let them see if this is something that they truly want.”

Jace gets up from his chair and walks around the table, bending over and putting a hand on the table beside my computer. He leans in, his amber eyes shining.

“No, Jordan. Not everyone will think like you do. Not everyone will be okay with pack members leaving their packs. Not everyone will be gracious toward those that want to leave. That, my sweet mate, is the sign of a true Alpha,” he says, leaning in to me and stopping just at the point where I can feel the heat of his l*ips on mine.

I close my eyes and lean the rest of the way in, pressing my l*ips to his warm, soft ones. I’m instantly overwhelmed by this scent and t*aste and before I realize it, a whimper escapes me. Jace’ s soft growl does nothing to ease the ache that has started between my t*highs and now that I know that Jace can ease that ache….

He pulls back, and his amber eyes are dark brown with desire. “You smell f*ucking delicious,” he says sliding a finger from his free hand down my n*eck, to my collarbone and then slowly sliding it down my chest. He watches his finger until it gets to where the b*utton of my shirt stops it. Then he looks up at me.

“How’s that ache between your t*highs?” he asks, his voice deep and husky.

I lift my hand, cupping his h*ard length, and squeezing gently. “About the same as yours, I’d say.”

“Interested in trying another position to ease that ache?” he asks me.

I really, REALLY want to try another position. Not only does it feel amazing, but it’s a lot of fun, and fun is something I don’t get to have a lot of in my position.

“Yes,” I say, and Jace pulls me to my feet. He walks backward, leading me to the small bathroom and turns on the shower. Then he turns to me, his eyes blazing with need.

“Strip,” he commands. There’s something about him taking control that has my p*anties soaked in seconds. I keep my eyes on him as I reach up and begin to slowly unb*utton my shirt, then I pull it off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor.

“P*ants too,” he says, reaching out to cup my b*reast through my bra as I unb*utton my p*ants. I pull the zipper down and push them over my h*ips as Jace strokes my n*ipple with his thumb. My body’s response is instant and my n*ipple puckers into a h*ard nub.

My breathing becomes heavy as Jace’s heated gaze takes in my body. “Bra and p*anties too,” he says as the water from the shower begins to heat, and steam begins to fill the bathroom.

I reach behind me and unhook my bra, tossing it behind me and out of the bathroom. He looks at my b*reasts before reaching up and gently tweaking both n*ipples. I moan at the feel of his hands on me.

“P*anties, Jordan,” he says, his voice soft, like a caress over my heated skin.


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