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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 315

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Beta Trials by Cooper (Jace & Jordan)

Chapter 42 (Jace)

When we get back to the clan, you don’t have to be a doctor to see that the vaccine is working. Not only is Balor out of his cave, but the other bears are no longer being held in such a tight quarantine, although it does appear that they have been given a limited space with which to move.

“Alpha,” my father calls, jogging up,

Victor right behind him. I watch as both of their noses twitch and my father gives me a look. I must not have washed Jordan’s scent off completely. Doesn’t bother me, I want her scent on me and mine on her. I hope they can smell me on her, too.

“I’d like to stay and continue to hunt the rogue wolves from here. We know they have to be nearby, and I’m concerned that if we leave, they will come back and cause more problems for our new friends,” he says.

“Is that what we are?” Darryl asks, walking over.

“We hope so,” I say, stepping up. “Third in charge doesn’t answer that question,” Jusan says following behind his brother, who rolls his eyes.

“Actually, I’m short a second and since Jace’s brother offered to take on my Gamma role, I’m going to temporarily move Jace into my Beta position and Victor into my Gamma position,” Jordan says, shocking me.

I frown, looking at her. She didn’t mention anything about this to me while we were at the hotel.

‘Sorry, we’ll talk more later,’ she says in the mind link.

‘Yeah, we will,’ I say and school my features. But I see that Victor has puffed out his chest, and the look on his face is much prouder than it was a moment ago. He really does deserve the Gamma position. Who knows, if Jordan doesn’t accept me as her mate, maybe she’ll keep me in the Beta position and leave Victor as the Gamma. He’d be good at it.

“My second in command DOES get to answer for me and in this he’s absolutely right no matter his rank. I would have assumed that the bears wanted an alliance with the wolves now, too. Perhaps I was mistaken?” she asks, turning to Darryl.

My mate. F*uck, I love this woman. Without saying it, she has basically put Jusan in his place, challenging Darryl to acknowledge their desire for an alliance.

Darryl, surprisingly, turns and smacks his brother upside the head. “If third in charge doesn’t get a say, then the man with no rank should keep his mouth shut! The pup was trying to create a partnership. One that you know Balor wants, so stop being antagonistic,” he says, and Jusan begins to sulk, crossing his massive arms over his chest.

“Of course we want an alliance. I’m not going to war with my mate’s people, not unless they go to war against her,” Balor says, walking over with Kyra riding on his back. If his hands weren’t on her arms that are wrapped around his n*eck, I’d swear he wouldn’t even know she was there. “Anyone who doesn’t agree can leave the clan,” he says, giving Jusan a h*ard look. “Balor, no,” Kyra says.

He turns and looks at her over his shoulder. “I waited a long time to find you, little wolf. I may not have known what I was looking for, but now that I found you, I won’t let anyone get in the way of me being with you. I know I’ve got some time before you’re an adult, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to spend as much time with you as possible. Anyone that doesn’t understand that, isn’t welcome in my life.”

“Well, that’s good to hear, because I have a proposition for you,” Jordan says to Balor.


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