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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 10


After waiting for hours in a room unattended, we were carried to what looked like a throne room and forced to kneel. To my surprise, I saw alphas' daughters and sisters from our region in chains, kneeling. We were made to kneel with our heads bowed.

"The Alpha will examine you all. Those fit for his harem will be chosen. Those fit to serve will be chosen. Those yet to be placed will be reserved. Do not aggravate the Alpha by smiling or looking into his eyes. It might mean instant death for you. Being a beautiful, alluring woman means nothing to him. So do not think your beauty will entice him. If you aren't a virgin, quickly state it, so we do not put you in the harem," a hefty dark man said.

He had long hair and a beard too. He packed it in a ponytail. His eyes were midnight blue, and He looked handsome. From the authority he exuded, if he wasn't the Alpha, then I was guessing he was the Beta, and it seemed Avery had the hots for the man. Too bad there was nothing attractive about the things he was saying.

"Am I clear?" The man said, and we all bowed our heads in response.

No one knew what to call him, and I had learned silence was the best way to deal with such situations.

"Very well then," he said.

We remained on our knees for a while until a sudden pressure overwhelmed us.

It was dark, and it pressed down on us. I did not need to guess who had entered. I fought the urge to look up and see him, but it took a lot of time and effort.

"Are these the trophies?" I heard a deep, commanding and alluring voice ask. There was a gentleness and sternness to his tone that words could not describe.

"These are the daughters, untouched. Those are sisters, and those three are Lunas." I heard the man describing us to his Alpha.

"I see," He said, and he was silent. I heard footsteps.

"Service, " I heard the Alpha say.

I heard him walk through his trophies. He said the same thing over and over again. He said "reserve" but never said harem. I wondered when he would say harem, but he did not say the word.

Soon I felt him close to me, and my heart began to pound in my chest.

I saw his feet in front of me. He wore a slipper, and his feet were gigantic, easily twelve inches. I felt his warm hand on my chin, and he lifted my face.

Against my better judgment, I stared into his eyes. I looked right at him, going against everything the other man had said, and I knew I had a defiant look on my face because I felt I shouldn't be on my knees.

His eyes were dark, his hair was long and black, and he let it fall. His beard was clean, and his lips were something else. He had a masculine handsomeness only dreamt of in fantasy books. He was tall. The man was brawny. Sculpted to perfection. It took a lot not to wander with my eyes. His bronze-like skin spoke of power, only the type a warrior would have spending time in the sun. The north was cold, so I guess he got his tan from his trips.

I swallowed and stared at him, and he looked right into my eyes.

I held his gaze, never looking away, defiant as always, daring him to do his worse, daring him to draft me, daring him to speak his words.

It was as if we were both in a trance, but he held my chin up, and I watched the words escape his lips.

"Mine," he said and did not bother to check Avery or Linda. He turned around and walked away. I saw a perfect view of his arse, and I wanted to drool.

I didn't wonder about his words until he had walked out of the room. 'Mine' did not fit the categories the other guy had explained to us, so I wondered what it meant.

The ladies were ushered out, but Avery, Linda and me were left on our knees. The Gamma that saw us initially walked in to join the other guy. Seeing how the Gamma respected the guy, I realised he was the Beta.

"Alpha personally wants the green eyes for himself," the Beta told him, and he smiled.

"The defiant one?" He asked the Beta, and the Beta looked at me and wondered.

"What did she do?" He asked.

"Got on Kappa Willson's nerves on their way here. Very feisty woman. I also heard she surrendered herself willingly. Her husband wouldn't give her up. She gave herself up as a gift offering," the Gamma said, and the Beta smiled.

"I want the one in the middle. You can have the last one." the Beta said, and I knew the one in the middle was Avery while the last one was Linda.

"I had my eyes on her since she got here." The Gamma said, glad that the Beta left Linda for him, and I felt like a commodity.

These men did not value women at all. Little wonder there was no Luna in the north. Women could only lead where they were respected.

The dark Alpha had chosen wrong because I did not plan to make anything easy for him.

I had nothing to lose at this point. Fate had taken everything from me. I was making my destiny henceforth.

We were asked to stand up, and some women with their heads bowed came to take us away.

We were led to a large bath that looked like an indoor pool. The water was steaming, and there were rose petals in it.

We were stripped down and asked to get into the water while the women washed our bodies and hair.


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