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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 11


It would be fair to think someone in my condition would find it difficult to sleep at night, especially after personally meeting the Dark Alpha himself.

After shaking and palpitating on the floor, Kaira and I got our shit together and went to lie on the bed. I slept off immediately.

I woke up feeling refreshed. The bed was comfortable, and I wondered why the Dark Alpha had come to see me. I doubt we will be tumbling in the sheets any time soon.

"I must say, Tamia, The Wolf Lord is hot," Kaira purred in my head.

"We have to get our shit together and not look weak, or else we will end up being prey," I told my wolf.

"I think we shouldn't overdo it; he doesn't seem to be the patient type," she said, and I smiled.

"Then we should test his limits," I said with a smile, and she purred. My wolf's understanding of testing the Alpha's limit differed from mine. Hers had to do with tangling in the sheets.

I went to shower in the bathroom, and I was surprised at the number of things at my disposal.

"How do you think Leo is doing? Do you think he will be stupid enough to come here?" Kaira asked me, and I felt a pain in my chest.

It was a sadness. I was so mad at Leo that I did not know I would miss him. The separation was going to be hard on me. He was all I had ever known, and contrary to everything he did wrong, I knew Leo would have died instead of giving me up. It was what fate did to us.

"I hope for all our sakes he stays in Mountain and does not come all the way here with warriors. He will be a father soon; Amanda needs him. Our story is over," I told Kaira, and tears rolled down my cheeks as I spoke to my wolf.

I had not really mourned my situation until now. I took off my clothes and got into the bath to weep.

I was so mad at him, and everything was so complicated. Now I might never see him again.

Leo was my best friend. I hated fate. It brought Amanda and the Wolf lord into our lives and messed everything up. I knew he tried. Seeing how other Alphas handled the situation, he did well. Amanda wouldn't have won if her father wasn't an Alpha. Leo would have ignored her until she got the message, but bringing her into our home made it impossible. Still, he tried to the best of his ability. I wept.

I was in the bathroom for a while before leaving it.

"Where are you?" I heard Avery's voice in my head, and I sighed.

"In my room," I said.

"We are having breakfast with the ladies. Warning, do not refer to our host as the Dark Alpha; they do not like it. The Beta made me understand it last night," She said, but there was more to him that she didn't divulge last night.

"What about last night?" I asked her.

"Gosh, Tamia, he is a steed," She said, giggling.

"You are naughty," I said.

"Well, I have to make the most of my situation. Contrary to our first impression of him, he is a gentleman. How did it go with the Alpha?" She asked me.

"Nothing happened, and it will remain that way," I told her, and she was silent a bit.

"Have it your way. But you need to get over Leo, Tamia. I hope Leo doesn't do anything stupid, like coming here for you, because I know he can. Trust me, him alive with Amanda will be better than him dying to save you," She said, spelling out the truth for me, and I sighed.

"Yes," I replied.

"Has your mark faded?" She asked me a weird question.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Your husband is crazy, Tamia; Mine and Linda's have faded; they have rejected us. It was painful, and I even passed out. I feel weak, but I am free. Leo's mark might cause an issue here because it means he still claims ownership of you. It can be seen as defiance," She warned, and I smiled internally because that was Leo and me, a defiant couple.

"Hopefully, he does it, or the Alpha will claim you by force," She said, and I smiled.

"I want to see him try," I said, and she giggled.

"Trust me, he will do it blissfully," Avery said, and from the way she sounded, she had forgotten about her past.

I exited the bathroom and went to check the wooden cupboard in the room. It was an antique cupboard with all kinds of decorative carvings on it. It was art, and there were clothes in it for me. Revealing, sexy clothes.

I found a short black lacey gown. It had a design covering my nipples and crouch, but the rest was netty.

There was no underwear, so I guess we were to give a show. I wore my hair down to cover Leo's mark. I wore a bit of makeup made available at my vanity table.

I did a simple cat eye makeup with nude glossy lips. I looked provocative. I never appreciated my pear-shaped body until now.

Looking lovely wasn't to get the Alpha's attention, but to show him I was unbroken.

I exited my room, and someone was by the door, ready to lead me to breakfast.

I was taken to a hall with lots of beautiful women but no men in sight.

Avery rushed to me, and she looked stunning, Linda followed, and indeed I noticed their marks were gone.

We hugged. Avery was the happiest of the three of us. I did not expect Linda to be so pleased after all that had happened to her. I guess the loss of her baby was the last straw. The Gamma had his work cut out for him.


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