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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 16


Sylvester looked handsome, laughing, and I wanted to tell him to laugh more, but it wasn't in my place.

"Of course I know you can ride, Green-eyes. I meant the horse." He said, and I smiled at him.

"Not an expert, but I can survive," I confessed, and he smiled.

I wore the necessary gear and mounted the horse. Sylvester went ahead, and I followed him.

The land was beautiful, and I felt a rush I hadn't felt in a while as we raced the horses through the land. With the way he was riding, he was heading somewhere.

We finally got to a cliff where the alpines were visible, and the sight was beautiful.

The snow-covered mountains were a sight, and Sylvester unmounted his horse. I did the same, and he secured them by the only tree on the cliff.

"What do you think?" He asked, pointing to the mountains in the distance, and I smiled.

"They are beautiful. The mountains back home aren't this beautiful," I confessed, and he smiled at me.

The breeze brushed his hair, and he looked breathtaking.

"I felt you have been couped up in the estate for long; I thought this would help," he said to me, and I was stunned at the gesture. However insignificant he tried to make it seem, the fact remains that he did this for me.

"Thank you, it is beautiful," I said, and then he came to me and cupped my face in his palms.

"Not as beautiful as you are," he said, and I was stunned by his confession.

He smiled and looked away. Those words were hard for him to say, but he said them anyway, and there was no taking it back; I appreciated it.

"Thank you," I said with a breathy voice, and he smiled.

He stood beside me and looked ahead.

"I have sent the letter," He said, and I looked at him. I knew it was difficult for him, but I was grateful he did it.

"Other than Leo, did you date anyone?" He asked me, and I shook my head.

"No, he was my first," I confessed, and he looked at me and smiled.

"As beautiful as you are. I thought you would have a long list," He said, and I smiled.

"Well, I did not have the opportunity for that. We started dating when I was seventeen and married when I was nineteen." I said.

"I see. That explains a lot," He said and gently touched my hand.

"Do you want to sit on the cliff?" He asked, and I was scared.

"Goddess, no, not with a weakened wolf," I said, and he nodded.

"I felt it when you joined my pack. Your wolf isn't so strong anymore," he said out of concern, and I nodded.

"I just need a bit of training to adjust. Brains beat brawn any day," I said, and we laughed.

"Sure, you can train with me," he said, and I was stunned.

"Are you sure?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"I wouldn't want anyone taking liberties with you and touching you," he said, sounding possessive. I laughed; he looked at me while I tried to stop laughing, surprised me and arrested my lips with his.

His kiss was gentle and warm.

He tasted sweet and warm. I did not hesitate to respond and grabbed onto his neck.

My response wasn't patient, like his. It was hungry and expectant.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his body. Then he broke the kiss and looked at me.

"I can't make you promises, Tamia," he confessed, and I nodded.

"I know," I said, and he broke away from me.

"Let's head back," He said, and I felt disappointed.

Why didn't he want to touch me? I was ready to go all the way with him. Couldn't he see it?

I mounted the horse and followed him, angry and disappointed.

He was playing with my emotions, and I did not like it.

We rode until we got to the stables.

He secured the horses, and we started walking back to the estate as he had put it. To me, it was a castle.

"I noticed that the other Lunas before us are allowed to socialise and mingle. I learned some of them even date and find love here," I told him, and he stopped walking.

I could sense the fury radiating from him.

I wanted to know why we were special.

A luna had told me they usually split the lunas among themselves as spoils of war. It was a way of ultimately conquering the Alphas to whom the Lunas belonged. Although they never touched them, they owned them. My friends and I got a different treatment, and I did not know why. One day I will ask him if I ever get the chance.

"You are not allowed that," he said without hearing what I had to say.

"Then what am I allowed? I am a woman, and I have needs," I said, and he shook his head.

"Then you come to me," he said with a low growl, and I searched his eyes to see if he was joking, but he wasn't. He was serious. His wolf flashed in those moments.

" I want you tonight," I said, blurting it out boldly, and he looked at me critically and pulled me close.

"You are still not over him yet. I can't be a rebound," He said, and I was stunned.

"Who said you are a rebound?" I asked him, and he smiled.

He kissed the corner of my lips, released me and walked away.

He had stylishly refused my invitation. I was furious, angry, name it. I felt everything. I felt inadequate. What did Lilly have that I did not? I was mad.

"He is arrogant," Kaira growled as we walked back to the castle, sexually frustrated. I walked to my room and headed straight for the bath. Touching myself would have to suffice.

I wore shorts and a t-shirt and headed for dinner.

He had sent me his clothes. I wondered why he didn't send someone to just buy me new ones. Instead, he wanted me walking about in his oversized clothes.

I did not dry my hair, so it was wet.


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