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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 17


I got off the bed and looked at Sylvester.

He was worried, and then, his emotions faded.

I looked out the window; it was nighttime. I tried to get off the bed and realised I was naked.

I did not know what to say. Instead, I wrapped the sheet around my body and got off the bed, ready to leave.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked me, and I could not look at him.

"My room," I said with uncertainty.

"The room you trashed, vomited all over the place and tried to jump out of the window? " He asked me, and my eyes bulged.

"What!" I exclaimed.

"You have been out for hours, Tamia? Why were you so reckless? Who gave you the northern cocktail?" he asked, and I knew if I gave the person up, she would be in trouble.

"I was the one that asked for the strongest drink there is," I said quickly.

"Why?" He asked me.

"I had nothing to do, I was hoping I would train with you, but you said no. I just wanted to sleep the rest of the day through," I said, and he sighed.

"Why were you acting up yesterday morning?" He asked me with a calm tone.

"I thought you were luna. Lunas are known for being calm through anything. You acted like a child," he said, and I nodded.

"I agree, and it won't happen again. Besides, I am no longer a luna. I do not have a reason to keep my shit together," I said.

"You haven't answered my question yet," he told me, and I sighed.

"It is childish and insignificant. It won't happen again. I promise," I said, and he stood up and walked to me. I did not know my hands were shaking until he held them in his and gently unwrapped the sheets off my body.

"There is nothing between Lilly and me, Tamia. I have never touched her. She is good with computers, and she is helping with something. That is why she comes to my office and sometimes my room. I do not sleep with women in the harem. It would help if you stopped acting up and being jealous. The only reason I haven't touched you is that I think you need to get over Leonardo. If you want to be with me, it should be because you want me, not because you want to fill a void. I didn't let you train with me because I was angry," he said, and I was stunned as I looked into his eyes.

I did not know I was crying until tears rolled down my cheeks.

They were tears of relief.

"Since you have proven to me that you are a child and need to be cared for and watched, you sleep in my room henceforth," he told me and led me to the bathroom.

"Let's get you cleaned up," he said, and I was still stunned.

He ran a warm bath and asked me to get inside the tub.

He lathered the sponge and washed my body.

I was stunned by the care and gentleness. It was amazing.

After he was done, I exited the bath, and he gave me an oversized t-shirt.

Then he led me to bed. I was speechless.

I was misbehaving and thinking all my privileges had been revoked, but I was wrong.

"Do not act like that again," he said, lying behind and spooning me. He kissed my neck and nibbled my ears; instead of a giggle, a moan escaped my lips, and he held me tighter.

"You need to sleep some more. It will ease the headache. Always confront me about what you think. I can never treat you like the others, Tamia. You are special." He said and rested his arms around my waist.

"Then make love to me," I managed.

"Not tonight, green-eyes. Tonight, we sleep," he said, and with that, he turned me down again.

Morning came, and we got ready for breakfast together. I could not believe what was happening.

As we walked down the hall, people looked at us, and then Lilly approached us and bowed her head.

"Good morning, Alpha," She said, and he responded gently.

"Good morning Lilly," He said, and she looked up and smiled at me.

"What time do you need me to come, Alpha?" She said, trying to insinuate it was for sex.

"Did you greet Tamia?" Sylvester asked her, and she shook her head.

"You should accord her the same respect," He said, and I was shocked, but I composed myself.

"Good morning, Ms. Tamia," she said, acknowledging that I had no mark and wasn't a luna anymore.

"Good morning, Lilly," I said, and she smiled at me.

"Good," Sylvester said.

"I learned you go about giving people the impression that we are screwing," he said, confronting her, and she looked stunned as if it were a lie.


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