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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 20


I received Tamia's letter and was shocked that the wolf Lord would help her send it.

Tamia was a loveable woman; I could imagine what she was doing there. The letters made it clear that she was okay, and I felt a bit jealous that she was happy without me.

I wasn't happy. My heart was still broken, and I had lost a part of me when I released her.

I wonder who was helping her through the difficult moment.

Amanda had moved back into the house and was gradually busy furnishing the living room.

I did not let her move into the room I shared with Tamia.

I wanted to hold on to her scent until time faded it away.

Rebuilding the damage caused by the attack had taken most of my time, and I had stopped attending the regional meetings.

I received two summon letters that I did not honour.

I could not help but blame Kyle for what happened to me.

People might argue that my marriage was over before the attackers came, but I was trying to fix it.

I felt stuck. Even though Amanda and I were fated and my feelings for her were strong, I felt stuck. I

felt fate had stolen my free will and fucked with my life; the Wolf lord took Tamia from me.

I wished her the best, but I prayed that one day, soon, the Wolf Lord would release her, and she will come home. I will be waiting with open arms, loving her with all my heart, and never making her cry again. It was a promise I made to myself.

I was sitting in my office when Casper brought me a parcel. It was huge, and a letter was attached to it.

"Who sent it?" I asked my Beta, and he looked worried.

"The Wolf Lord," he said, and I saw blood on the parcel. I became scared it was Tamia. My hands were shaking when I began to undo the strings that secured the box.

I opened it and saw the head of an eastern warrior. As gory and sad as the sight was, I was relieved that it wasn't Tamia.

I opened the letter.

"Alpha Leonardo Albert. I was kind to receive your letter and deliver it to your ex-wife. I was kind to allow her to send you a letter so you would have closure. I believe you are an honourable man, but I have issues with the east now.

Your region teamed up with Alpha Devin and sent men to attack my sanctuary in the north to abduct Tamia from me.

They came with poisoned gas and tried to eliminate my people.

This is to let you know that I won't sit idly by while your people insult me. I am sending you this parcel because I know you are in charge of the east.

Let this be a warning. I will not take another attack lightly.

I know your packs are yet to recover from the last one, which makes this a stupid move.

The only reason I won't strike now is because of Tamia.

I know she will be mad if I hurt you, but do not push me, Alpha Leonardo. Whatever you have going on with Devin should remain between the east and south. Tamia belongs to me now. She is mine; I will see another attempt to steal her as an act of war.

I won't be taking trophies, and I won't accept peace offerings.

I will burn the entire east to the ground. Sylvester Volkov." It read, and my hands shook.

I could feel his rage from reading the letter. I also noticed that he was possessive of Tamia.

I did not need to guess. He had made exceptions for her, which was against his character. He might have fallen for her.

I did not understand why Devin would send men to the north to rescue Tamia; I also wondered who gave him the eastern soldiers he needed. Missing the meeting had left me in the dark.

It was time for me to stop grieving over my loss and be the leader I was supposed to be. It was time to take the reigns.

I looked at my Beta.

"Casper, do you know of the attack?" I asked him.

"I just heard, Alpha. Apparently, Alpha Max wanted Avery back, and teamed up with Devin to get Avery and Tamia back," he said, and I became angry.

"Without my consent? Who the fuck do they think they are? I am in charge of the east. I feel insulted," I said, and Casper was silent.

"Call a meeting and invite that bastard Devin. I want to know why he and Max will do this to us." I said, and Casper left.

I wondered what gave Devin the right to risk a war over Tamia.

They met once. Danced once, and he suddenly felt he could.

Was he trying to say I did not love her enough to go after them?

Tamia gave herself up so that people would live.

If my life was all that was at stake, I would have risked it all to get her back, or died trying.


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