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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 19


I showered and waited for Sylvester to return. I was nervous and excited at the same time. Glad that I was able to test my skills.

During the fight, I was given a rush, I missed it so much, and I was glad I was of service.

I doubt the attackers would have won, but they would have caused much damage.

I linked with my friends to find out how they were, and they were thrilled to fight.

I knew Linda and Avery used the opportunity to vent their frustrations on the men.

Some of those wolves smelled like they were from the east.

I wondered why my people would want to create more trouble with the north.

Sylvester returned and went to shower.

He exited the bathroom, and I noticed he looked a bit worried, but I could not ask him why.

I got off the bed and went to him.

"Sylvester," I said, and without warning, he crashed his lips against mine. We kissed hungrily, and I knew something was bothering him in those moments.

"What is the matter?" I asked.

"Don't jump from balconies again. Do not get into fights in your current state. Promise me you won't do it again," he said, and I could hear the fear in his voice.

"I had to.." I said, and he cupped my face in his palms.

"Please," He said, and I knew he must have heard something that upset him.

"Okay," I said to calm him down, but I was determined to find out what the matter was later.

He hugged me and kissed my neck, and breathed me in. I let him and relaxed in his embrace.

Sylvester held me tightly through the night.

Morning came, and we got ready for breakfast. I wondered what troubled him, and hoped he would tell me.

"Do you know Bane personally?" He finally asked while we were getting dressed. I stopped what I was doing.

"Yes, I met him at a dance party, and he asked his beta to take me home. I never saw or heard from him since." I said, and he frowned.

"Anything transpired between you two?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"Nothing, not even a kiss," I said, and I saw relief in his eyes. He pulled me close and kissed me, holding me tightly.

I felt his teeth on my sweet spot. Was he trying to claim me? I knew something was troubling him.

We left the room and headed towards the dining to eat breakfast.

"Do you want to eat in the room?" Sylvester asked me while we walked. I looked at him and smiled.

"I am hungry for other things", I confessed, and he grinned and spun me around. It was so fast that I almost fell, but he caught me, and we laughed.

"We will feed our stomachs this morning and do other things later. I want to spend the day with you," He said and kissed me on the lips. I grumbled, knowing that was a subtle no.

We returned to the room, and food was brought for us.

Sylvester served the food on my plate, and we both ate.

I hoped he would go the extra mile soon because it was overdue.

"Tel me about your last days with your ex-husband," He said, and to my surprise, I wasn't sad about it.

There was a time if I was asked that question; I would be a wreck, but my heart was elsewhere, and I knew it.

"Not so great, but he tried. He tried all he could to make it work. Amanda was an Alpha's daughter, so even though Leo wanted to ignore her, he couldn't. They forced her into our home," I said, remembering the incident.

"Did they force Leo into her bed?" He asked me, sounding a bit annoyed, and I knew it was because he knew it hurt me.

The answer was obvious when I couldn't speak.

He touched my hands gently and kissed them.

"Fate might have sent her his way, but he could have rejected her. He was weak, which destroyed your marriage," he said, convinced by his words, and I sighed.

"I guess so," I said, and he smiled.

"So what is with Bane?" He asked me, and I could sense jealousy in his voice, but I did not want to mess with him, so I opted to be honest.

"Nothing. I told you all that I know?" I said, and he nodded. He held my hand and kissed it, then looked at me critically.

"If he comes to get you, will you follow him?" he asked me, and somehow I felt he was asking the real question that bugged him.

"I do not know him well enough to follow him anywhere. Besides, I have no reason to leave unless you kick me out," I said, and I could see him relax a bit.

I hoped he would tell me what was troubling him soon.

"What about you? Anyone special from your past or was it always orgies all through?" I teased him, and he laughed.

He plucked a grape and gently placed it in my mouth; I made sure to suck his finger sensually, and he slowly pulled away; his eyes turned black, meaning his wolf liked it.

"You are a naughty woman, Tamia," he said, and I giggled.

"There was someone. Her name was Susan. She was my first," He said, and I felt a tinge of jealousy. My feelings for him were dangerous because I was getting jealous of an ex that wasn't even in the picture. I think it was the way he said her name. I couldn't place it.

"Relax, Tamia," He said, and my cheeks coloured; how did he know?

"How?" I asked, and he giggled.

"Your wolf flashed," he said, laughing and leaning closer to me.

"I think it is cute that you are feeling possessive," he said close to me, holding my chin in his hands and gazing into my eyes.

"I think it is sexy," He said, and I could not hold his gaze.

I was shy all of a sudden. I was bold with everything but a shy mess with him.

He leaned close and kissed me gently on the lips. Then broke away before I could take it up a notch.

"Don't worry, green eyes. I won't make you share," he assured me, and as much as I wanted to believe those words, I was too afraid to be invested in it. I was determined to live in the moment, ready to head out if it went south. My heart was tough enough for it now.

The servants came to gather the dishes, and Sylvester told them to leave the fruits and the dessert.

"You haven't told me about Susan," I said, and he pulled me close.

We were sitting on the carpet with the bed as our backrest. The rug was fluffy and soft, and the lights were dimmed. Perfect for a mood Sylvester wasn't ready to tune into.

"She was a year younger than me, and we planned to have a future. Being the Alpha in my family, she knew I would want to be at my strongest. But she was enough for me. She was a beta breed. She was enough. Her brother found his fated, and it wasn't his girlfriend. The heart break the girlfriend endured spooked her, and she decided to relocate to the south region with her uncle before my eighteenth birthday, so she would not be heartbroken if she ended up not being my fated. I never heard from her since," He said, and I felt sorry for him. There was a tinge of sadness in his voice that made me realise it hurt him deeply.

"With the way we were, I would have rejected my fated for her sake," he said, and I smiled.


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