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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 25


Things got intense between Sylvester and me, and I found myself completely in love with him.

I was afraid that I would repeat history, but my heart was beyond my control.

He knew how to act, what to say and what to do.

He made me feel like the most important person in his world, and I slowly found myself saying, 'this is it' but I had said that before, not so long ago, and I came out burnt and broken.

I wasn't willing to make that jump again.

It was a scary situation to be in. I tried to fight my feelings and kept telling myself it was casual.

I tried to think through the situation to guard my heart. The fact that Sylvester and I weren't fated scared the shit out of me.

Questions of the future plagued my mind. What if she shows up one day just like Amanda? Where will that leave me?

He had never told me he loved me. This could be a fun and exciting thing for him.

I scolded myself for catching feelings.

Every day we would wake up, eat, and train together. I let him go and handle his duties, and then we met in the evening and did whatever we liked.

It was fun and scary because I had fallen in love with him.

When I decided to speak to Sylvester about my fears, we were lying on the grass in the western garden, a part of the estate people rarely visited.

"Sylvester," I said gently; we were lying side by side and looking at the stars that graced the night sky.

It was a beautiful sight and a lovely moment. I was afraid that I might ruin it.

"Yes," he replied, and I exhaled.

"Do you ever let your prisoners go?" I asked him, and he chuckled.

"Which of the prisoner's, green eyes? The ones in the cell or the trophies?" he asked, making light the question.

"Your trophies," I asked, and he exhaled too.

"They have nowhere to go back to, I am their Alpha, and they are connected to me; I am not keeping them here as prisoners; they are here because this is their only home for now. They are free to leave, but they only leave if they find love or want to move to Lucland or another part of the north. They are all here of their own volition. I am a lord, not a monster. I expect the women to fall in love eventually and move on. I also know they have needs." He said.

"Would you ever settle down?" I asked him immediately, and he was silent.

"I am sorry to ask, but I overheard some ladies talking about how you threw out the five women in your harem. They said you told a woman called Arya that you do not plan on settling down. I just want to know if it is true," I said.

"I am not worried about it. I understand. Coming out of a failed marriage, I can understand, and I am okay where we are; that way, if you find your fated, it would not be an issue," I said, trying to convince myself more that falling for him was stupid.

He turned to his side to look at me.

"Look at me," He said, and I did what he asked and made sure my face bore no emotions.

"I indeed said those things, and I meant them, Tamia. As the lord of the north with a pending war, I doubt I would want to tie any woman down. It was my way of setting them free and making them forget about me," He said, and his words hurt because it seemed as if his mindset had not changed.

"As for my fated, I do not care about that shit, Tamia. I make my destiny. I do not care what the stars say. I won't lose my shit or betray a woman that has been there for me through thick and thin, because fate said so. I will reject her in a heartbeat and risk being weak," He said, and I smiled at him. Having been there, I knew it was easier said than done.

He touched my face gently and smiled.


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