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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 26


Sylvester finally asked me to follow him to Lucland to meet his mother. After meeting Dominic at the club, I wasn't looking forward to the meeting.

I learned the woman was strict and had her sons on a tight leash.

Even though Sylvester had confessed his feelings for me, what if she did not approve of me?

I was scared, but since Sylvester insisted and told me I had nothing to worry about, I decided to take him up on it.

We ate breakfast in our room and prepared to leave.

Linda was the most worried for me because there were only two things that could happen; she could either be unreasonable and ask her son to choose between her and me, or give me a chance. I hoped she would give me a chance.

Leo did not have parents when we got together, so this was new for me.

We got dressed to visit his mother.

On our way out, Silvester stopped.

"Marcel needs me for a minute. Do you think you can wait for me? The matter seems urgent; it is about Bane and the East," he said, and I was a bit worried because of Leo.

"Link me when you are ready to leave," I told him, and he nodded. I decided to go to Avery's room.

I found Avery in her room, embroidering a piece of fabric. It looked horrible, but it seemed to be her new pastime. I had not seen her that morning because we didn't eat in the dining room.

"Hey, you guys haven't left yet?" She said, putting down the hoop that held the scarf she was marring with her needlework.

I noticed a diamond ring on her finger, and she smiled at me.

"He proposed an hour ago. I did not think about it; I just said yes," She said, smiling with tears in her eyes.

"I can't get it wrong twice now, can I?" She said, and I could hear the nervousness in her voice. She was afraid.

"Why did you say yes?" I asked her, picking up on her fear.

"Because I love him, and it will be great to have a life with him, but deep down, I am scared fated will show up and mess me up again," She said, and I went to hug her.

She pulled away and nodded, wiping away her tears.

I now understood why she was in her room working on an embroidery hoop instead of socialising in the eastern garden as usual.

"I have to take this leap of faith, or I might keep guessing and live with regrets. Marcel is a great guy and a great catch. He is a step up from that arsehole, Max. This is a good thing," she said, wiping her tears.

"Feeling afraid and being happy at the same time is a weird mix of emotions," She confessed, and I smiled.

"Has Sylvester told you what is happening in the east?" She asked, changing the topic, and I shook my head.

"We were heading out when Marcel called him for a meeting about Bane and the east," I told her, and she nodded.

"That bastard," She said, and I wondered why she was pissed.

"Bane has successfully divided the east. Leo isn't in full control of the East anymore. A part of the East has joined the south. I also learned he might go to war against Leo to take over the East completely. I just picked bits of Marcel's conversation. I am sure Sylvester will tell you what is going on in case I heard wrong," She said, and I was in shock.

How could the Eastern Alphas allow Bane to use them like this? I was worried. I hoped Leo was getting all the help he needed to push back. It was one thing to willingly join up; it was another to be forced into it.

I sat nervously in Avery's room for almost two hours and decided to return to my room. I wasn't in the mood to hang out in the garden.

"Where are you?" I linked Sylvester.

"Still in the meeting," he said, and I felt bored. I sat and prayed for Leo's safety. Eventually, I got tired of waiting and fell asleep.


I woke up to a commotion in the corridor.

I looked out the window, and it was evening.

I wondered what was happening. Sylvester did not return.

The meeting had taken all day. What was happening?

Some guards entered my room, and I sat up in bed, worried because they were northern guards. No one had ever barged into Sylvester's room like this before.

"Sylvester", I linked Sylvester but met silence which meant he was not around. To my surprise, Dominic walked in, looking angry.

"Bind the bitch; she has questions to answer," he said, and Kaira began to growl.

"It will be in your best interest to comply, or your actions might be seen as treason", he warned me, and I looked at him angrily.

"Does Sylvester know about this?" I asked him, and he did not care.

"I do not need his permission to question a prisoner. Fucking him does not change what you are here. A crime has been committed, and we require your full cooperation to solve it," he said, then the guards clamped the silver cuffs around my wrist.

"What happened? At least I deserve to know what happened." I said while the guards dragged me out of the room.

"You will find out during questioning," Dominic said, and I tried to link Marcel and Theodore, but they were not around too.

"What has happened to Sylvester?" I asked, afraid something had happened to him, and Dominic stopped and slapped me on the face.

"You should not speak his name. He is lord of the north, whore!" he growled. What had happened to make him like this?


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