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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 62


Tamia was very angry about Lily's betrayal; I could feel it in her. I tried to calm her down as we walked back to the room.

"We must search all the women in the harem and all the lunas working here. Everyone that has come to live here through war," She said, and I could understand her reason.

There was no way they would be happy about being away from their loved ones. The fact that they could start an uprising right under my nose spoke volumes, and I knew it was best to do as Tamia had instructed. There was nothing more deadly than the enemy within.

"Very well, I will instruct the officers to do as you have instructed," I told her, and she nodded.

I asked her to follow me to my office so I could set some things in motion.

It wasn't long after we were in the office when my mother knocked on the door.

I knew it was her because I could smell her jasmine perfume.

She entered and looked at Tamia.

"What is this I hear of traitors in the estate?" She asked, and I knew news must have reached her by now, and she only came to clarify what she had heard.

"Lily was the one that set Dominic up. She had been communicating with a man and a woman we do not know, but she has given us a name," I told her, and she smiled.

"I knew my baby had no hand in this," She said almost with a celebratory tone, and I nodded so she would know that she had won.

"Yes, yes, but if he did not spend his time trying to cause my downfall, I would not have believed the allegations against him," I told her.

"I think we should sweep your office for spy devices," Tamia said, interrupting my mother and me.

"Our bedroom too. We need to be sure Lily was not actively spying on us," She said, and I understood her. Lily had access to my office and bedroom. She could have as well planted things in my office.

"Maybe we should torture it out of her," my mother said, and I understood her rage.

Just then, Marcel linked me that they were back.

"Mother, please excuse Tamia and me; we have things to do today. I will speak to you when we return," I said, and she nodded.

Tamia frowned at me, so I had to link her.

"Marcel and Avery are back, let's go to their wing, and then we can leave for Jenny's house from there," I said, and she stood up immediately.

I could see the eagerness in her eyes, and I smiled, hopeful that our trip to the beta's wing would lighten her mood more.

We left my mother in my office, but I informed kappa William to sweep my office and room for bugs.

If any were found there, I would be annoyed with Lily. I was already pissed off with her, but I knew it would be worse.

We arrived at the beta's wing and headed to Marcel's room. I was worried for them but optimistic at the same time.

It would be nice to welcome our children into the world around the same time, but it wasn't really up to us.

Marcel and Avery seemed happy, and I had linked my friend when Tamia went to speak with Avery.

"How did it go?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"We are both fine. The doctor said she should be calm about it and that she was overthinking it. There is nothing wrong with either of us," He said, and I sighed.

"What is this I hear about Lily?" He said aloud, and I sighed.

Just then, Theodore and Linda arrived.

They were already dressed for our mission at Jenny's house.

I knew Linda was the one behind it. The woman was eager to go out and do something. I wouldn't blame her. Theodore was overprotective about her pregnancy, and I knew it would get to her eventually.

"You needed to be there," Theodore said to Marcel, joining our conversation.

"Tamia whacked the hell out of the bitch," he said, and I looked at him.

Avery and Linda looked at Tamia.

"Yes, I did," She admitted.

"The bitch deserved it. All because Sylvester didn't fancy her," She said, and Avery was shocked.

"Did she say that?" She asked, and Tamia shook her head.

"No, she didn't, but that is the truth. She claimed they tried recruiting her a few months before we arrived in the north. Suddenly her recruiter miraculously had the idea to threaten her family to make her do what they wanted a few months after Sylvester got with me. The bitch was sitting on the fence all this while, and when Sylvester got with me, she snapped. It is as simple as that," Tamia said, and Linda growled.

"Tell me you drew blood, Tamia," She said, and I was shocked. These women were dangerous.

"More than she could spare. She was lucky it was a controlled environment. I am not done with her yet," She said, and Theodore linked me.

" I would not want to be on her bad side," he said, and I nodded.

"Very well, are we ready to go to Jenny's?" I asked, and everyone was a bit excited.

It wasn't a date, we were going to snoop in a dead woman's house, but it seemed exciting to everyone. I hope we find something exciting there, and hopefully, it leads us somewhere.

Tamia and I returned to our bedroom to get dressed to go to Lucland.

I wanted us to spend the night in our house there, so I called the staff to prepare the place.

I was hoping to have fun with my friends and my luna.

We rode in our jeeps as always.


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