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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 92


Linda, Avery and I had dinner in the office, and Avery seemed a bit ill.

I did not want to get her hopes up, but I felt it would be best to take a pregnancy test because she had been acting funny.

She had been very emotional, and her eating habits had changed. It might also be the hormones because I knew she was taking fertility meds.

Regardless, I thought it was best she checked herself, but I kept it to myself.

We finished what we needed to do in the office and returned to our bedrooms.

Sylvester was not in the bedroom when I returned, and I was too tired to look for him. So I showered and went to bed.

"I want to sleep," I linked him.

"I will be with you shortly," he replied, but I didn't want him to feel pressured.

"Take your time," I said and let it go. Slowly sleep came, and I fell into dreamland.

I woke up feeling energised and nervous the following morning.

We went to the arena early and sat in our primary booth.

I was surprised to learn that Kyle and Max won't be playing rugby, so our men decided to pull out.

I hoped the two douchebags had given up and decided to move on.

I had yet to find out what happened, but I hoped Avery and Linda would tell me soon.

We were watching the ball game in our booth when three northern Alphas came to see Sylvester.

They looked distraught and worried; I did not need to guess why.

I fought the urge to smile and looked at Avery and Linda.

Linda looked away, and I knew she was going to giggle.

To hide, she buried her head in Theodore's chest, making a romantic gesture so she could laugh, but we all knew why she was laughing. I felt like laughing, too, but I dared not pull the same stunt as Linda; she had beat me to it.

"Your Eminence, Sir Sidorov, Sir Orlov, Sir Volkov," They said, greeting our men and Dominic. Then they went to greet us.

"Lady Volkov, Luna Volkov, Luna Sidorov, Luna Orlov," they said, greeting us. I was referred to as Luna Volkov, while Stephanie was Lady Volkov, a position that would soon be mine.

"What is the matter, Alpha Christian?" Sylvester asked the alpha that seemed in charge.

"My Lord, we need help," he said, sounding frantic.

"Yesterday, our mates and children were kidnapped, and we have traced them to the west.

My Isabelle is all I have. I am afraid they will hurt them. I do not know how powerful or broad their network is, but it is more extensive than what my pack warriors can handle.

The west is under you; please have them return our mates," He said, and I realised we had hit the jackpot because they were so scared that they had forgotten they were working against Sylvester.

"Did you have any altercations with anyone?" Sylvester asked him, looking concerned, and the man could not answer.

"Please, we are losing time, my lord," he said, and I wondered if his wife was his fated.

"Is your mate your fated?" I asked him, and he looked at me and nodded.

"Who will do such a horrible thing and why?" I asked, looking genuinely sorry for the man.

"They took his fated?" Avery asked, feigning surprise.

"We need to do something about it. This cannot be accepted. Do you know them or where they are?" Linda asked, and he shook his head.

"What did you get yourself involved with that would warrant such a drastic action," Sylvester asked.

I knew he wouldn't link it to us because their names on the petition were supposed to be anonymous.

We also kidnapped Lunas from alphas that had nothing to do with the petition to throw off suspicion.

We weren't supposed to know they were the ones that raised the petition until tomorrow when the hearing would happen.

"I didn't know, but they took lunas from fourteen packs," Alpha Christian said, genuinely confused.

"Very well, I will get someone on it tomorrow evening. As you all know, there is a council hearing tomorrow. I have to defend my position, so I won't be able to do anything about it pending the meeting outcome. I will know what to do," Sylvester said, and the man became hysterical.

"We need to move now," he said, pleading with Sylvester.

"I would if I could, but some people have asked that I relinquish my power and hold to the council. That is what the hearing is about. If I lose, then how will I help get them back? That responsibility will fall on the council or whatever new system has been made to replace me," he said.

"In a democratic government, I won't be able to just act, Alpha Christian. I have to negotiate and see if we can meet their demands; it won't even be my job in that case; it will be the job of the council or the governors," Sylvester said stating the truth. The men realised they had shot themselves in the leg.

"So you will handle them after the hearing?" The man asked, realising there was no way out for him.

"If I am still lord and in charge, well, yes. I will instruct my men to handle it. But so we save time, please report to Kappa Levi and give him all the event details so they can start investigations.

After the hearing tomorrow, I will spring to action based on the outcome; if I lose, I will turn the matter over to the council and wash my hands off it," He said, and one of the men went on his knees.

"You won't lose, my lord. My wife is eight months pregnant; democracy won't get her back. We won't let you lose," he said with determination.

"Well, it is up to the people who raised the petition," Sylvester told them, and the man stood up and looked at Christain with scorn.

I figured it was Christian's idea, but instead of planning how to deal with him, we would need to drill him to find out who put him up to it. That would likely lead us somewhere. I was going to do something about it after we had won and the names of the people who raised the petition were exposed; I will make my move.

"Promise you will help us no matter what if you win," Alpha Inkabod asked Sylvester.

I knew it was because he knew Sylvester would find out they were the ones that raised the petition against him.

"I have no choice," Sylvester told him, and he nodded, but something in Christain's eyes did not make me confident.

He did not seem to exhibit the desperation that Inkabod was exhibiting. In fact, only Inkabod seemed to have decided what to do about the petition. I guess we will have to find out tomorrow.

They left our booth, and four more Alphas came with the same complaints.

We told them the same thing, and they left.


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