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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 93


The hearing had gone better than I had hoped. Tamia and her friends have come through. They were indeed ruthless.

Seeing how far they went made me realise that the only power their previous mates had over them was the marks they bore to force their loyalty. I made a mental note never to cross my mate.

After asking Joan and Pamela to resign, they got off their seats to beg. They begged so much that Larry and the rest of the council pleaded on their behalf.

"We didn't see it that way, your eminence. We were trying to unite all regions, and since Corrigan honoured the invite, we thought we had ended the feud," Pamela said in tears. Tamia responded with rage in her voice.

"Liar!!!!" she screamed at her.

I wondered where the anger was coming from. It was clear Tamia had severe issues with these women.

"Lady Volkov was there when you taunted me, boasting it might not last. You deliberately withheld the guest list, knowing we would find out. Stop lying and own up to your mistakes!" Tamia warned her, and Vino had to bang the gavel even though I could see he did not want to.

"Until you are wedded, you still cannot speak in this council," Vino said with pleading eyes, and I knew he was right.

I could not wait for the wedding to be done. If they push too much, I might as well claim Tamia before the blue moon, since the goddess has already blessed our union, and leave the Blue moon night to Marcel and Theodore.

"I am sorry, Luna Tamia," Pamela said and went on her knees.

Pamela wasn't a fool. She knew she had gambled and lost, and she knew Tamia would be the Lady of the north. It was the wisest option for her right now.

"I am begging you to not see it in that light. A lot was happening with this petition, so we could not compile the list quickly. I swear on my wolf, Joan, and I did not try to work against your union. Please, Lady Tamia, please believe us. The seat is all we have and the only honour our family has. We are the only women in the council. If we vacate, they will be occupied by men. Please, lady Tamia. We promise never to antagonise or disrespect you again. Please show us mercy," Pamela begged, and Joan joined in. They had successfully put Tamia on the spot. Her decision would shape the way people would look at her henceforth. It would be the beginning of her northern reputation as Lady.

Pamela and Joan were brilliant. They knew people would not accept a Lady that isn't merciful and forgiving, and I knew my mate wasn't any of those things.

"What do you want to do?" I linked Tamia, and she did not respond. Instead, she squeezed my hand for all to see.

She squeezed it in a pleading manner. Tamia was just as innovative as these women were.

She knew what they were doing, and she had outsmarted them. Her actions showed she was pleading on their behalf, and ordinary citizens and the press were there to see it. Tamia was good at publicity.

"Very well, my mate has pleaded with me, but I can't let your transgressions go. Because of Tamia's pleas, I will suspend you two for three months to go and reflect on your actions," I said; Joan went on her knees next to Pamela, and they both bore their necks to Tamia and me. The suspension was better than them losing their seats on the council.

"Since this matter has been resolved, I, as a result, close this hearing," Vino said and banged the gavel.

"I want to talk to the alphas. We need to know how and why they came up with that idea," Tamia linked me, and I smiled at her while we got ready to leave the council hall.

"I will have to question them. It is beyond your office. Please do not be offended, Tamia, but even when you are officially Lady, there are certain things you won't be able to do. It would have been easy to have you question them if they had come to us. It would be a private matter, but this would be done officially, and Alpha Christian is the leader of the north, just as Leo is the leader of the east. I have to treat him with respect," I linked her back, and she looked at me and smiled.

"You need to change some laws, Lord Volkov; I am your better half," She teased, and I smiled at her, glad she took it lightly.

"You know what, I think you should be with me during the questioning; that way, you can accidentally chip in, and I will allow it as a form of indulgence," I said, and she beamed at me.

"Marcel, invite Alpha Christian to our house in the estate. Tell him to follow us along with his friends," I linked Marcel, and he laughed. He knew exactly what I had in mind for the alphas.

We stepped out, and my mother squeezed Tamia's hand. She knew Tamia had a hand in the outcome of the hearing.

"You got yourself a gem," She linked me, and I smiled at her. We did not want to speak out because we did not want people to listen to our conversations and figure things out.

The ride home was joyous, and I was breathing fine.

This was the second time Tamia would do something drastic to save me from the council.

She had come into my life at the right time.

We arrived home and headed to our room to change. The moment we entered, I grabbed Tamia, and she let me.

"I would take you right now; if Christian and his friends weren't waiting for me in my office," I whispered in her ear and grazed my teeth on the sweet spot.

She was aroused immediately, and I could smell it.

Knight was going crazy. I needed to claim her. The mate bond had begun to tug even harder than it did with Susan. I contemplated it but wanted it to be special, so I relented and forced my teeth to retract.

I could not resist the scent. So I put Tamia against the wall while she giggled, knowing what was happening. She teased me, grinding her cute butt against me, and I reached under her skirt and realised she wasn't wearing panties, which made us giggle.

"You are naughty, green-eyes," I said and rolled up her skirt.

I buried myself in her and went to work.

I battled my wolf so hard. Knight wanted to sink his teeth in. I wondered how Marcel and Theo would feel when they found out we were fated.

I needed the union to be unique. Although it was meant for chosen mates, the blue moon ceremonies were extraordinary and more romantic than the claiming of fated mates. I could not deprive both of us of that joy. I also wondered how the claiming would be on a blue moon now that we were fated.

I pumped and felt her come, which made me grab onto her tightly and go faster until I came too.

We got ready to head downstairs to join Alpha Christian and his colleagues in my office. I knew Inkabod was with him and along with two other Alphas. Marcel had already linked me.

I entered the office with Tamia and found only Theodore and our guests waiting.


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