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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

Marve POV 

Panicked, I took in as much of their faces as possible within a span of three seconds before quickly lowering my face from view. I didn’t want to believe someone connected to my family would be at Xaden’s mansion, but there was no doubt about it 

-Bella was here, along with her Alpha father and Luna mother

The last time I saw her was at Moonstone, about a month before Sarah’s party

And looking at her, she hadn’t changed a bit

Her style was just as glamorous and expensiveif not, morethan my sister’s Dressed in fancy maroon velvet garments. embellished with rhinestones along the heartshaped neckline, it was clear Bella sought to impress the prince. And her parents, who wore fine clothing befitting of an Alpha and his Luna, also hoped to gain his favor

So, she chose to come here instead of attending Sarah’s party


Part of me wished I could say I was surprised by that revelation, but I would’ve been lying to myself

Her friendship with Sarah was unique, to say the least. Everything was a competition for them, whether that meant wearing the loveliest dress or splurging the most of their poor fathers money. And evidently, once she learned that Prince Xaden would be attending the party, Bella quickly made her own plans

I could never understand their twisted friendship. At times, they seemed more like rivals

However, there was one thing that they seemed to really bond over bullying me. 

Ever since we were children, whenever she and my sister spent time together at the estate in Moonstone, she would seize any opportunity she could to bother me, if one ever made itself known. Much like Sarah, she took particular pleasure in treating me like her servant or her little toy. If she wanted something from me, she would always find ways to make sure I listenedand I’d learned very quickly nor to ignore her demands

In a way, she was worse than my sister ever was 

While Sarah had been raised to treat me poorly. Bella did it because she found it fun

She had even come up with a lovely little nickname for me, in honor of all the time she spent tormenting me

Mundy Mae. Short for the affectionately given name: Mundane Macve

All of this to say: I desperately hoped Bella wouldn’t be able to recognize me. I’d only just escaped that life and I’d fully intended to keep it all in the past where it belonged. Luckily for me, her focus seemed to be fully fixed on Maggie, who appeared conflicted about what she should do next

Xaden had asked her to show me around, but judging by the glances she made between the impeccably dressed Alpha family and myself, who wore one of her own dresses, it was clear where she had her priorities

Maggie did not know who I wasso she decided the best option was to aid Bella first. How can I help you?” 

When will Prince Xaden be back?she asked

Oh, he’s only just returned, miss. Not more than an hour ago.” 

Fantastic!she chirped and began twisting a lock of her caramel hair around her finger. Did he come alone?” 

No, missHis Highness brought a young woman with him. She will be staying here at the mansion, as well.” 

Bella’s charming smile fell. A woman? Who?” 

My soul left my body the moment Maggie pulled me out from behind her and stood me in front of my childhood tormentor. But she never got the chance to introduce me or mention my name 


eyes instantly lit up with recognition. Is that you, Mundy Mae?” 

My jaw clenched shut. I did not want to dignify that nickname with a response


Mae?Her fatherAlpha Charles of Crimson Crescentrepeated questioningly. Do you mean to say that she’s the same Mae from Moonstone? The one who stands in corners and serves drinks?” 

The very same,” Bella said with a growing grin. Alpha Burton’s daughter herself.” 

Puzzled, Maggie turned to me. You’re a daughter of Moonstone’s Alpha?she asked

What on earth are you doing at Prince Xaden’s mansion?Bella pressed, disregarding Maggie’s question

The sudden heaps of attention I was getting was headspinning

I wavered. He wanted me to come.” 

The amused look on her face told me she didn’t quite believe my version of events

So he didand it looks like you’ve got yourself quite the impressive linle promotion, didn’t you?she chuckled, looking down at me with her nose turned up. From washing Sarah’s dirty laundry to sweeping Prince Xaden’s marble floorI have to admit, you’ve made great work of advancing your servantgirl career. But it’s okay, you don’t have to pretend you did it for the pay raise.” 

She leaned in close with a cheeky grin

We both know you came here so you could gawk at his handsome face every day” 

My face reddened with embarrassment

Calm down, I thought. She doesn’t know anything. She just wants to get under your skin

Maggie, apparently, was still stunned by the revelation of my lineage. Miss, if you’re an Alpha’s daughter, then why- 

Bella pointed at Maggie, effectively cutting her off. That’s enough. Bring Prince Kaden to us. My family and I have been waiting to see him,” she said haughtily before turning back to me, a plan written across her face. “And I want you to serve us. Prove that you’re worthy of being in the Alpha Prince’s presence!! 

Maggie stepped forward. I beg your pardon, but His Highness personally brought Miss Maeve as a special guest,” she interjected, glancing nervously between Bella and me. He might not be pleased to see you treat her so.” 

Nonsense,Bella dismissed, seating herself at the large table central to the great hall, adorned with delectablelooking finger foods and crystal wine glasses. I’ve known this girl for years. She might have been his daughter by blood, but she’s no one special. You can take my word for it, as a true Alpha’s daughter.” 

A true Alpha’s daughter. That was something I grew up hearing a lot from Sarah

Fidgeting, Maggie opened her mouth to talk back but seemed to decide against it. And just like that, she disappeared deep into the mansion…. 

Leaving me alone with Bella and her family

Well?she asked, raising an expectant eyebrow and a crystal glass. Pour me a drink.” 

I was frozen in place

I really didn’t want to be here with her

Instinct, however, took control of my body and I found myself moving against my better judgment. There were bottles of wine ready to be opened on a nearby serving cart. With sweaty, trembling hands, I popped open the bottle and poured the wine for her and her parents as they sat opposite her at the table

Delicious,she sighed after a sip, swirling the glass. His Highness is exceptional when it comes to rare wines.” 

Quite so,her mother said with a smile, taking another greedy sip

I kept my mouth shut

Something knowing glittered in Bella’s eyes as she peered at me. How about you, Mundy Mac?she asked, a sly smile playing at the corners of her rosetinted lips. Your last experience with alcohol must have been a memorable one tell me, did you enjoy it?” 


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