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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Maeve POV 

Your Highness!Bella gasped, hastily pulling away from me

In her surprise, she dropped the crystal wine glass she’d been holding and it shattered into hundreds of little pieces upon impact. The room froze, falling so quiet that one might be able to hear a pin drop. No one knew what to expect from Prince Xaden as he suddenly encroached on such a scene in his mansion

Looking determined, he stepped into the room

The family quickly tried to compose themselves. Greetings, Prince-” 

But he swept past them as if they hadn’t existedand landed right in front of me

Are you alright?he fretted, his eyes wide and wild with worry as he carefully inspected me, caressing my face, my hands, my armsanywhere he thought to look for injuries. You’re not hurt, are you?” 

Again, I was rendered speechless by him

Having only just arrived, he was oblivious to the context of what caused that brawl in his mansion. Had he chosen to, he could have had us all thrown out for disrupting the peace and damaging his property, But he didn’this first instinct was to come to me, to make sure I was okay

Warmth spread throughout my chest, despite what had just happened

I’m fine..I whispered

Did you drink any of it?” 

No.I shook my head. I didn’t 

Relief swept over Xaden’s face before wrath quickly took over, casting its dark shadow as he snapped toward Bella, who watched him with simultaneous shock, awe, and fright. What were you thinking?he growled. Explain yourselfnow.” 

But she’s just a-” 

I dare you to try my patience,he warned, low and dangerous. Let us see what family.” 

that gets you and

Bella stiffened, glancing in disbelief between Xaden and me, possibly realizing there was more she was not yet aware of. II promise, Your Highness, it was all in good humor!she tried to explain. I’ve known Maeve and her sister since we were children. The three of us used to play around like this all the time

Play?he retorted. Is that what you called that assault?” 

IIt was just a game, I swear… 

A thick vein throbbed in his neck. You almost killed my unborn child and you dismiss it as 

a game?he bellowed

The dumbstruck expressions on their faces would have been almost comical, if not for the the recent danger to my baby’s life. I could see Bella’s expression transform before my eyesall awe and reverence for Xaden had vanished, instead replaced by pure fear. She did not anticipate the sudden turn of events

Burton’s daughter is pregnant. Charles’s Luna gasped

Maggie was in awe, as well. Prince Xadena baby?she bombarded

Bella’s father abruptly stood up at the table, pushing the chair back with a loud screech against the floor. How could you have acted so stupidly, Bella?he scolded, feigning innocence. The housekeeper warned you that this would not go well with His Highness!” 

She wore a look of utter betrayal on her face. Papa- 

Listen to your father.Bella’s mother hissed from beside her, though awash with fright

1:17 PM 

Chapter 12 

Alpha Charles ignored them both, focusing only on the prince in front of him. I want to humbly apologize for the rash actions committed by my daughter,he continued with a deep, solemn bow. If I could have stopped her, I would have.” 

Thank you for the support, Alpha. It’s good to know I can rely on you.” 

Her father seemed pleased with the prince’s praise. Of course, sire.” 

If I may, I’d like to ask something.” 

Wariness crept onto the Alpha’s face but he maintained his smile. Yes, sire?” 

You were in the room as it happened,” he drawled, his glare slowly swinging towards Bella’s father. What I want to know is why didn’t you do a damn thing to stop your daughter if you heard Maeve blatantly refuse the drink.” 

The Alpha’s sudden silence was deafening

And the resemblance between him and my father at that moment was striking

For a man whose foreboding shadow pierced my heart with immediate dread, Father was very quick to submit to a prince he knew only in rumors. Bella’s father was no different. As soon as he found himself in the path of Xaden’s wrath, he no longer embodied the strength and renown that a great Alpha Minister should possess

Not for the first time, I wondered how such pitiful, shameless, corrupt men were able to hold such power in the kingdom

Xaden raised an inquisitive, mocking eyebrow. Nothing more to say?” 

More silence, frightful and awkward 

Very well,he growled, low and through clenched teeth. So be it 

Xaden lowered his hand and 1fully expecting a mere lift to my feettook it. Instead, he swept me up into his arms, cradling me against his broad, warm chest as if I were the most precious thing

A small gasp slipped past my lips. Xaden,I whispered, blushing, I can walk—” 

I apologize, Alpha Charles, but I’m afraid the meeting with your family is going to have to be postponed indefinitely,he said, his voice dripping with false kindness, and I instantly got a bad feeling. Allow me to offer you a parting gift as consolation. You there-he called out to an omega servant, bring out one of our finest wines.” 

Of course, Your Highness. Shall I bring it in glasses or bottles?” 


The servant balked. II’m sorry, sir?” 

Bring one of the wine barrels from the cellar and put it by the tableOnce the servant set off to accomplish his Herculean task, Kaden turned back to the family, simmering with hostility. Alpha, I forbid you and your family from leaving the grounds until you drink every last drop of that wine.” 

Bella and her parents paled with terror


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