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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 

Maeve POV 

No no no Xaden muttered incoherently, the color draining from his face. This ccan’t be happening” 

With a furrowed brow, I opened my mouth to ask what he meant

But, all of a sudden. Xaden lunged himself against the door with a loud, pained grunt, and I gasped, jumping in fright. He ried to pry open the door with all his might, jiggling the handle. And when that yielded no results, he threw himself at the loor again and again, every slam of his body against the door ringing in my ears

He was like a wild animal trapped in a cage. 

What the heck was he doing?! He was going to hurt himself

My heart pounded and twisted painfully in my chest. Xaden?I questioned, shaking like a leaf as I approached him. Worry rawled up my throat watching him become so distraught. What’s wrong?” 

I lifted my hand to touch him, wanting to comfort him

And, as soon as he saw me, he swatted my hand away, recoiling sharply from me. GGet away from me,he pleaded, wide- eyed and swirling with black, a low growl emerging from the depths of his throat, and I hesitantly pulled away. PPlease- 

The tortured tone of his voice was difficult to hear. Tell me what’s wrong!I begged

There there was something in the wwater, he stammered, groaning, keeping as far away from me as possible, and I realized with dread that we had gone through an eerily similar situation not too long agobut now, the tables had turned. Sh- She drugged us bboth locked the ddoor and left” 

The water did taste strange, I recalled with a sick feeling.. but I knew what it felt like to lose total control over my body because of an aphrodisiac. And right now, I did not feel any of that. In fact, I felt perfectly fine

But I’m not in heat,” I said. Maybe II can help you somehow- 

I need you to sstay away,he urged desperately, not looking at me. YYour scent issstronger than ever. It’s driving me c- 


It was useless

If I tried to get close, my scent would only make things worse… and there was no way for me to find help by just cowering in the corner. What the heck did Sarah hope to achieve by doing this againto both of us this time?! 

TTry to hold out as long as you can, Xaden,I pleaded weakly, knowing I was asking a lot from him at the moment

I’m trying.. but, God, Maevehe groaned longingly, clenching his fists against the door, knuckles turning white, you smell so f*cking good” 

In any other circumstances, those words would have made me blush, but instead, they filled me with fright. Xaden was one of the most powerful Alphas in the entire kingdom. If his druginduced heat took complete control over him, then there would be nothing anyone could do to stop him

Putting myself and our baby in grave danger

My heart sank. That was her goalthat was what she wanted to happen. Her innocent gait was a wellcrafted mask of deception. Unbeknownst to our whole family, she knew exactly what would happen if she gave me those Ylang shots, and she knew what would happen if she gave Xaden and me those tainted waters… 

She wanted me to suffer and she was willing to put my baby in harm’s way if it meant she got her way

What’s going on in there?!Father hollered from the other side of the door, and for the first time in my life, I found myself somewhat relieved by his presence. I heard him frantically attempt to jiggle the door open. What were those loud bangs?!” 

Xaden’s breath hitched. He went alarmingly still



Hearing Father’s voice outside the room seemed to have triggered something violent within Xaden. All of a sudden, any semblance of composure had vanished from his body without a trace and it was like he gave into his inner beast. He growled and bared his teeth at the door, flexing his fingers as if he was preparing for a fight or or 


I froze. Us

And then it hit me. I knew what his behavior reminded me of. He was going to protect his immediate territory from anything and anyone he perceived to be a threat. And right now, Father was an intruder, a possible threat that could tear me away from Xaden 

ShitFather cursed, his voice surprisingly tinged with terror. II’ll get the key from Sarah! You’ll be out soon- 

Don’t!I screamed. That will only make things worse! Justjust leave!” 

Xaden snapped his gaze toward me, looking more like a predator on the prowl than the tender man I was coming to know. Before could register what was happening, he lunged and hurled me on the bed. I landed flat on my back with a startled yelp

He hovered above me, his hungry, glowing gaze bore intensely into my wide, petrified one. No one is going to take you away from me,he growled, low and menacing, striking fear into my heart

I gulped, too paralyzed to move but I forced myself to speak

NNo one will take me away from youI repeated in the hopes of placating the primal creature inside him. But.. Xaden, this nneeds to stop” 

A low snarl rumbled from the depths of his chest as he quickly threw off his coat, followed by his shirt

XXaden, please. youyou know who II amdon’t you?” 

You’re minehe growled, licking his lips like I was nothing more than a hunk of meat as he grabbed onto the skirt of my dress as tight as he could. No sign of any sort of recognition at all. All mine” 

And then he started to tear into my dress, pulling it apart by the seams

Please, Xadenstop!I gasped, tears streaming down my face as I struggled to fight him off. He clawed my dress to shreds

The sounds of fabric tearing like paper made me shriek in fear, and before 1 knew it, he was throwing aside the tattered remains of my dress and was attempting to do the same with my bra

Remember who you are!” 

That did nothing. His eyes were still dilated black and clouded by one thought and one thought only. I couldn’t break him out of it

DDo it for meMaeve!I cried out in one last attempt, squeezing my eyes shut as he wrapped his fingers tightly around the straps of my underwear. And oour baby boy!” 

Suddenly, all movement stopped. All I heard was labored breathing above me


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