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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

Third Person POV 

The moment Xaden woke up, he found himself wrapped around Maeve’s naked, sleeping body. His first instinct was one of confusion. The memories of last night evaded him…. it seemed they had done something, but no, that didn’t feel correct

He always felt weightless and euphoric after sleeping with her. This time, he felt shame

Slowly prying away from her body, he sat up with a hushed groan and rubbed his face. He took a cautious look over the room, and all the details of last night came rushing back

Her dress was tom to shreds on the bedroom floor

Pillows and blankets were thrashed about as if there had been a struggle

And, gazing at Maeve’s face, he could see red, splotchy skin swollen from crying. Caused by his violent, feral actions

What have I donehe thought to himself, horrified and sinking with selfloathing. How could he have ever done something like that to her? But then he remembered: that heat did not happen naturally. Someone else had forced that to happen with cruel intent

Someone who gave them those drinks.. and who drugged Maeve in the alley that night

Fury unlike anything he had ever felt before began to boil within Xaden, thick and black like the depths of hell. Quickly, he threw his clothes on and stormed out of the room, shouting down the halls for anyone who would listen to bring the target of his wrath. He was determined to see justice done and he would be damned if he let it go again

Sarah had been in her room, still in her pajamas looking for an outfit for the day, when she heard Xaden’s vengeful shouts echo through the halls, and that was when she realized that her plan had failed

All of that work to obtain those Ylang plants, putting up a front to fool her sister and the princeall of it went down the drain

And Prince Xaden knew it was because of her

But how? How did he fall so deeply for her sister in such a short amount of time? She couldn’t understand it

Her heart plummeted as she heard loud footsteps approach her bedroom. Rapidly, she scanned her room for somethinga place to hide, or maybe a window to escape from! But it was too late

Two large guards burst through her door and hoisted her up by the arms, startling her with a sharp yelp, and lifted her out to the master living room, where Prince Xaden stood, waiting for her. The dangerous look on his face sent a chill down her spine

WWhat’s going on, Your Highness?Sarah asked, feigning innocence

Xaden, however, was in no amusing mood. You, Sarah, have been a very lucky girl up until now.” 

She opened her mouth to feebly interject

You have had more opportunities to redeem your shameless actions than I’d care to count,he sharply cut her off. Despite all your misgivings, Maeve elected to forgive you every time and show you mercy. I made the mistake of trusting that yesterday. But I assure you it will not happen again.” 


What could you possibly have to say now? What would justify drugging an Alpha prince and threatening to kill his Luna and child? Please, enlighten me.” 


For f*ck’s sake, speak!he yelled, frightening everyone in the room. No one had ever seen the fully unleashed rage of: wronged Alpha prince, and what a sight it was to behold. It may very well be the last time you will ever freely get to do so again.” 

Chapter 23 

The commotion prompted the rest of the family, including a nowawake Maeve, to rush out and see what was happening

Maeve’s face switched between shock and sadness as she watched the scene unfold

Sarah’s mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find the words. Her mind raced, thinking of different ways to talk her way out of this. ShShe seduced you, Prince Xaden! That baby is her key to power and she’s going to exploit you until she gets what she wants!” 

Guards. Get this woman out of my sight.” 

No1Sarah screamed, thrashing against the guardsirontight grasp. Maeve was abruptly brought back to the day of the birthday party, where a very similar scene occurred. I was trying to save you, Prince Xaden! Maeve is only going to destroy your life with that baby!” 

Dear, do something!Victoria panicked from the sidelines

Both Sarah and her mother pleaded for Alpha Burton to intervene and save his daughter’s life, just as he did last time. They had every reason to believe he would

However, he purposefully turned away from them both, stunning everyone in the room and avoiding the utter betrayal that unfurled on their faces

NNoDaddy! Daddy!Sarah cried, tears streaming down her reddened face, as the guards took her away to the dungeon. Victoria tried her best to pull them off her daughter, but it was no use

Sarah would be imprisoned. Indefinitely

When I woke up that morning, the last thing I expected to see was my sister being carried away by Xaden’s guards after the horrible events of last night. But what shocked me even more was when Father decided to approach me, instead of run after my sister or console his bawling, crumpled wife

Maeve, sweetheart,Father said with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes. Could I please speak to you privately? I want to hear how you’re doing after that whole mess.” 

My skin crawled. I knew what he really wanted

Gulping, I nodded. AAlright.I reluctantly agreed, though I didn’t have any choice in the matter. If he ever asked to meet me in private, I had to gono questions asked. I’ll be right there

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Xaden watch the encounter unfold carefully

Father gave me a brisk nod and left for his office

And that was when Xaden strode up to me, determined. What did he want?he asked, glaring at my father’s retreating figure with impassioned spite. No matter what it is, it cannot be good.” 

I didn’t doubt that. However, the look on Father’s face left no room for debate

He wants to talk to me,I admitted, and when he opened his mouth to interject, I was quick to add: alone.” 

Xaden shook his head fervently. I refuse,he said, pointblank, and I glanced nervously in the direction of the office. I won’t let him separate us after everything that he’s allowed to happen. He’s proven that he cannot be trustedno one in this damn house can

I won’t let him get close enough to hurt me.” 

I made a vow to you,he said seriously, to always protect you. Are you asking me to disregard that vow?” 

I gulped, forcing myself to appear strong. I’m asking you to wait for meto trust me. I need to do this.” 

Xaden was unconvinced, but once he realized I wouldn’t back down, he conceded, promising to wait for me right there. With a heavy sigh, I made myself enter Father’s office, where he stood expectantly by his desk

Chapter 23 

So.he drawled. How is the life of a Luna treating you?” 

As casual a question as it sounded, I knew what he was trying to do. This was a test. He wanted to get as much information a possible to see how close Xaden and I were becoming. He wanted to know if I was letting my guard down

If I still was a threat to his peaceful life

I kept my eyes glued to the floor, lowering my head. I’m not used to everything yet,” I admitted. But HHis Highness is patient” 

It felt strange referring to Xaden in such a formal way again. It left a foreign taste in my mouth, to backtrack so severely after how much we had come to care for each other these last couple of days. But I couldn’t let him think we were bonding

Father frowned. You have been neglecting your responsibilities,” he said, his voice low

I didn’t- 


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