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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

Maeve POV 

The drive back to the mansion waseerily quiet. Whenever I snuck a peek at Xaden, I could tell that he was lost in his mind, mulling over again and again about what had happened yesterday

His eyes, normally strong and alert, were glazed over with restrained emotion. He looked like he had just woken up from a nightmare. The vengeful and unforgiving Alpha Prince from that morning was long gonereplaced by a scared, exhausted young man who looked like he needed a hug

Guilt weighed down on my shoulders. This was all my fault

I should have been more insistent about going alone. For as long as I could remember, I had endured their abuse all on my ownno one was ever there to comfort me, to hold me, to protect me. Going without Xaden would have been more nerve- wracking, admittedly, but I’d rather have gone through the torment myself than put him through even a second of it

He did not have to experience any of what happened

But he did because of me

I leaned into him, nuzzling my face against his shoulder. I’m sorry about yesterdayI whispered, feeling as he went still under my touch. I’m so sorry.” 

Xaden swallowed hard. How can you stand to be near me after what I did?” 

It wasn’t you. It was the aphrodisiac.” 

Don’t try to make me feel better,he muttered stiffly. Not when I almost- 

Xaden,” I said, as sternly as I could muster. Don’t torture yourself like that. None of it was your fault.” 

It doesn’t matter if it was or not. I should have- 

Immediately, I wrapped my arms around him. It would not do any good for him to dwell on what could have happened or what almost happened yesterday, and I did not want him to drown himself in the endless sea of whatifs. I pulled away to caress the sides of his face. We’re okay,I promised. Both of us.” 

That seemed to release something inside him. As soon as the words left my mouth, he crumpled into my arms with a strangled gasp. I didn’t enjoy seeing him so distraughtI wanted to hold him until he could no longer bear my touch

It should not have happened..he murmured, once he had calmed down a bit

My jaw clenched. There was no way to guess Sarah would actually be reckless enough to pull a stunt like that again. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s-” 

No..he said, pulling away slightly to look me in the eyes, and I could see how serious he was. I mean that you shouldn’t have been able to snap me out of it. It’s impossible to awaken from a heat like that.” 

I bit my lip. I gathered as much, but it really sunk in just how much trouble I could have been in yesterday

What do you want to do?I asked

Xaden straightened himself up. I’m going to call the doctor,” he said without a hitch, looking determined as ever. I want to be fully sure that you and the baby are alright. AndI need to know what’s going on.” 

With a thick swallow, I nodded. Okay,I whispered, burrowing into him and sighing in relief when he tightened his arms around me

And we did not let go until the car pulled to a stop in front of the mansion

Xaden POV 

It was not long before the doctor arrived with his medical bag and an ultrasound machine, just like before. This time, we were 

Chapter 24 

accompanied not by Doctor Pearce from a few days ago, but by a new attendant

I didn’t care. I just wanted someone competent to help

He bowed before me. Doctor Russell, at your service, Your Highness. What can I do for you?” 

Check my Luna and her baby,” I said urgently, gesturing towards Maeve, who reclined on an armchair in our bedroom. Please. I cannot rest until that is done.” 


f course.” He nodded. However, before I can diagnose properly, I will need as much information as you can supply.” 

I took a deep breath but relented. Do whatever you need to do, please.” 

Without wasting another second, Doctor Russell turned on the machine and lubricated Maeve’s abdomen with the same blue jelly as last time. As he rubbed the wand along her slick skin, he began to ask the routine questions

Have you experienced any unusual symptoms with your pregnancy?” 

Maeve opened her mouth to say something but faltered, seemingly thinking something over. Two days ago, I felt some restlessness from the baby that was a little strangeshe admitted, referring to our visit with Doctor Pearce, but another doctor came and said everything appeared to be fine.” 

Have you felt anything similar since!” 

She shook her head no

Any pain or discomfort?he prodded

Again, she indicated that she did not

Is there any chance the baby experienced some sort of trauma in utero?” 

Her eyes flashed instantly toward me once those words left Doctor Russell’s mouth, and I could not help but stiffen and avert 

my eyes

IIt’s a possibility,she slowly admitted, but the baby hasn’t reacted to it,she was quick to add once she saw the doctor’s eyebrows raise in concern. That could mean he’s okay right, Doctor Russell?” 

I was hoping for some quick reassurance, but his reluctance to answer filled me with even more unease

He offered a tightlipped smile. Allow me to continue with the test before I say anything further about your baby,” he said gently

I had no choice but to comply and wait, fidgeting with anxet… 

everything might not really be alright

I had been rough yesterday, yesbut I did not remember if I hurt her belly at any point. But maybe I did not need to touch her to cause harm. What if the stress from the ordeal was too much for our baby or what if she got hurt when I threw her onto the bed

God, what would I do if something was wrong

The machine released a small beep and Doctor Russell took a minute to scan the results of the test. I sat with bated breath until he spoke again. You’ll both be happy to hear that there is nothing wrong with your baby,” he said with a kind smile. All vitals are looking good, and his heartbeat is as powerful as ever.” 

And with those few words, I felt the weight of a thousand worlds lift from my shoulders

However, I must say.. the size of your baby is rather- 

We’re aware he’s big,I cut him off dismissively, before practically crumpling onto the bed in relief. Thank goodness everything is fine,” I sighed. I would never have forgiven myself if something had happened

Doctor Russell’s expression of bafflement was almost comical. But-” 

Maeve waved a hand to silence him, taking over. We already discussed that during our last consultation,she tiredly 

explained, rubbing her other hand along the side of her small belly with contentment. He’s big, but healthy and that’s all we care about.” 

The doctor’s disagreement was written plain as day on his face, but he didn’t bring it up again. Might I inquire what happened to cause such concern?he asked instead

This was it

I dreaded having to recount the events of last night, but it needed to be done. I needed to know if there was any chance what happened was normal. I..I began hesitantly, went into heat yesterday, triggered by her scentand I was worried my actions might have impacted the baby somehow.” 


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