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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 64

A weight bears heavily on my shoulders because I am torn between what I want and what I think Xiomara wants. The way she kissed me now shows me that she wants this just as bad as I do, so why the fuck aren’t we giving in to this?

Gods, I want this woman.

The way she fits me so perfectly, it’s almost as if the Goddess made her just for me. There’s no way this could be wrong, not with the way she makes my dead heart beat with purpose. She feels the same way about me, so why was she hiding it?

Why feel ashamed for wanting something that feels so right?

But then I finally heard Niko’s voice over the mind link and every bit of happiness I felt crumbled at my feet. Xiomara’s father has come to take her away - it’s too late for us.

She moves from my lap and gets to her feet as quickly as she can, then she walks to the closet where I can hear her heart beating as fast as a hummingbird. That kiss was supposed to be a goodbye, not a welcome home.

With a groan, I stand up and breathe out a sigh that makes me wince. I fucking hate being weak like this, I’m glad those cunts are dead or I’ll be tempted to kill them again.

When Xiomara walks out, she’s wearing a pair of trainers and a hoodie but I notice she’s not carrying anything else. Then again, everything here is what I’ve bought her, right? She looks at me, her lips a thin line as she nods.

“I’m ready,” she says, and her voice cracks. Her eyes and body language give nothing away, but her voice betrays her emotions. “Let’s go.”


“No,” she says, shaking her head. “It’s too late now.”

I sigh again and bite back the pain, then I walk towards her and gesture for her to go first. Seeing her leave will be the hardest thing for me, but it will be a reminder that I let something beautiful slip through my fingers.

I’m a fucking idiot. Niko gave me an ultimatum this morning and now I'll be doing something I don't want to do.

/“We’re at the front gate and he’s not a happy fucker,”/ Niko tells me over the mind link. /“Hurry up so he can leave before I kill him.”/

Niko’s words from earlier echo in my head, but I know that I am too late to reconsider what's waiting. This Alpha and his territories are important to Niko’s plans, so I can’t give him any more reason to hate our pack.

Xiomara and I are quiet as we walk through the forest toward the mansion, and I notice she doesn’t even make eye contact with me. The closer we get to the mansion, the more something tells me I should say something and put an end to this.

“We can stop this,” I finally say, but she shakes her head and continues walking. “Xiomara, listen to me! I’ve had enough of this. I am done!”

She eventually stops and hangs her head in her hands, murmuring something in Spanish; as if she’s trying to convince herself that this won’t be good for either of us.

But I’ll knock that doubt out of her head because this woman is mine. “I can go there and tell your father you’ll still be my bride; just say the words and I will do it. Tell me you'll be mine and we can stop this foolishness!”

She turns around to face me, and true to her Bambi nickname, her eyes are wide and shining with unshed tears. Her shoulders shake lightly as if she’s trying not to sob. “Xiomara, please say something,” I beg.

A tear slips down her cheek, and she takes a few tentative steps toward me. “How can we work?” she murmurs, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. “You want someone who will be obedient and submissive, someone who won’t challenge your authority to no end. Not someone like me who will question your will!”

I scoff and close the distance between us, drawing my hand to the back of her neck and pulling her close. “You’ve just described everything I love about you, everything that drives me crazy and gets my cock hard at the same time,” I say as I wrap my arms around her waist.

“You’ve been this constant thought in the back of my mind that I can’t get rid of, and now that I’ve had a taste, I don’t want to get fucking rid of it. You've branded yourself onto my very fucking soul, Xiomara, no matter what I do, I cannot let go of you.”

She sniffs and chuckles sadly. “Are you sure? I’m not… I’m not easy, Maxim-”

I cup her face with both my hands and feel my eyes shift to Beta gold. “I don’t fucking want easy; I just want you. No shame, no regrets - just you.”

Why the fuck was that so hard to admit? Why couldn’t we just be honest about how we felt before everything led to this point? I’m an idiot; a real fucking idiot for allowing it to spiral out of control.

“I…” she trails off, sniffing. “I want you too; I want this with you.”

No other words could ever sound sweeter than this, and I draw my mouth to hers, sealing our need with a kiss. If we were anyplace else but outside in the cold woods, I would claim here and now. But she’s not just a quick fuck.


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