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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 65


I told my father never to contact me after today, that I want nothing to do with his pack after this. He humiliated me for no reason, all because he felt cheated out of something and needed to make an example of me.

As much as it hurts, I am glad to be rid of him. Hopefully, I don’t see him again after today, but I wish him well.

An hour ago I signed papers anchoring me to Maxim for life, now I’m in the shower getting ready to consummate our marriage. The thought sends a shiver down my spine and I giggle inwardly at how silly I am acting.

It still feels unreal since everything regarding the legal aspects of marriage is so clinical, but the gorgeous sapphire and gold band on my finger makes it all so real. I married Maxim; married the man who I thought would be my doom.

I dry off and slip on the short silk nightgown before walking out of the bathroom. He’s already laying waiting for me in the middle of his bed wearing nothing but a pair of silk boxers, with one arm behind his head and the other on his taut abs.

He’s still healing, but most of the damage is gone. His perfect skin will be marred with silver scars though, but I am sure it will make him look even sexier. I walk over to him and straddle him, causing him to suck in a breath through clenched teeth.

“Xiomara Costas. Hmm, that just rolls off my tongue, just like everything about you,” he says, grabbing my hips and I can feel his cock growing hard underneath me. I’m not wearing anything, so I can feel EVERYTHING.

He reaches up to open my nightgown and it slips off my shoulders, then he runs his hands between the valley of my breasts and I let out a low moan. Cupping both my breasts in his hands, he teases my nipples with the pads of his thumbs and I inhale sharply.

“My wife is so fucking perfect,” he growls, the rumble of appreciation in his chest makes me bite my bottom lip, and I lean down to claim his mouth with a kiss.

With one hand cupped behind my head to deepen the kiss, the other plays down the line of my body eliciting goosebumps. I love it when he touches me, love it when he treats me like I am HIS.

In one swift motion, he turns us around so I’m not underneath him. Gods, I always wanted to know how it would feel to be pinned under his weight and it’s as glorious as I’d hoped it would be.

Using his knee to nudge my legs open and spread me wide, he settles in between my legs and breaks off the kiss, only to trail them lower. I gasp as he flicks his tongue over one nipple as his fingers roll over the other; teasing them.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he says in a low voice. “I want to take my time when savoring you.”

I open my eyes to see the desire play across his face and know it was meant only for me.

With his hands caressing my skin, he sucks deep kisses down my belly; biting and nibbling. When he gets close to my mound, he puts his hands on the inside of my thighs and uses his fingers to spread my folds.

“Delicious,” he growls before lowering his head to my dripping pussy and licking the crease of my inner thigh, causing me to cry out. “Fucking delicious.”

“Maxim!” I gasp when the first touch of his tongue meets my pussy in a long, luxurious stroke that has me bucking into his mouth for more.

But it’s almost as if he’s ravenous for my taste because his tongue dives inside of me over and over before flicking and swirling around the needly bud of my clit. My hands rake through his hair, holding him to me as I feel the build-up of my orgasm.

He parts my folds and plunges his expert fingers inside me, curling them upwards to caress that perfect spot and that was my end. I climax with a loud cry, shaking and calling out his name as he continues to lap at my oversensitive clit.

Rubbing his rough hand across my belly, he bites the inside of my thigh and looks up at me. The wild, predatory look in his eyes and the scent of him makes me want him even more.

“I could do that all fucking day,” he says in a hoarse voice, making his way up toward me. I can feel the head of his cock pressing against my sex and I gasp at how he throbs against my wet, needy pussy His light beard is still damp with my desire, so I lift my head close to his for a kiss.

Tasting myself on him is something I never thought I would find erotic, but knowing this man is mine…Gods, it feels amazing. His breath comes hard and slow as if he’s trying to hold back, so I wrap my legs around his waist and break off the kiss.

“Make me yours; I want everyone to know I belong to you,” I say against his lips, and with a fierce growl he drives inside of me in one fierce thrust, rendering me breathless.

I cry out and dig my fingers into his back, my teeth nipping at his shoulder when he starts to move against me, gently at first but then his strokes grow faster. His groans spur me on, and I buck my hips to meet his frenzied thrusts.

In one swift motion, he puts one of my legs over his shoulders and fucks me harder. The sound of slapping skin, my breathless moans, and Maxim’s groans of desire cause a build-up inside of me and I feel my pussy throbbing.

“I want to feel you tremble all over my cock, baby,” he growls, his voice taut with lust. “Come for me so I can make you mine, that’s it… almost there… Fuck! You feel so good on my cock.”


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