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The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast novel Chapter 81


Gianna’s head rests against the tiled wall, and she tries to catch her breath. My cock is still inside of her, loving the way her pussy is still twitching around me. The utter bliss coming from her mark has me feeling the happiest I’ve ever been in…well, since before I left here.

Everything about this was perfect; from the way she came to me, went down on her knees for me to us finally admitting our feelings to each other. I never thought I’d feel this happy, never thought I’d be worthy of someone’s love like this.

She opens her eyes and I can see the contentment shining in them. A hint of a blush covers her cheeks, and she bites her bottom lip.

“I think we should clean up,” she says with a cute giggle. “Or I won’t be able to make that mac and cheese you wanted.”

I chuckle and kiss her forehead, breathing out a long sigh. “Thank you, Gianna,” I say with my eyes closed. Something tells me that I don’t even need to elaborate on what I mean, because she gives me a look that explains it all.

We finish up in the shower, with Gianna going ahead and putting on only a tiny nightgown before heading back into the kitchen. I watch her walk away with a smile on my face and slip on a pair of gray joggers and no t-shirt.

I wish I could explain how different I feel after literally facing my demons while under that spell. The closest I can get to is I feel…lighter, like a boulder has dropped from my back. I can breathe better and think clearer.

You don’t realize how much your past trauma affects you until you let go of it.

She’s busy stirring something in a saucepan when I walk into the kitchen, so I lean against the door and cross my arms while admiring her. This is my favorite thing to do by far; just watching her do something she loves.

Beautiful is too much of a simple word to describe Gianna; she’s fucking exquisite.

“I can feel you staring, you know,” she says, turning her head to face me with a gorgeous smile. “See something you like?”

I grin at this. “Hmmm, more like I’m seeing something I want to devour,” I say, walking over to her and slipping my arms around her waist. “It’s not fair that I didn’t get to have a taste of you.”

“There’s plenty of time to taste me later,” she giggles, then gasps when I nibble on her neck. “Divan, that’s…oh, that’s distracting me.”

I move my hands lower and loosen the belt around her nightgown, knowing she’s naked underneath. Then I slip my hand in between her legs and run my finger down her slit, smiling when I feel how wet she already is.

“Focus on what you’re doing, sweet girl,” I say, twirling my finger over her swollen clit while my other hand pinches her pebbled nipples. Her breaths come in quick and she stands on her tiptoes while I work her body into another orgasm.

It doesn’t take her long, either.

Gods, her moans and the way she breathes out my name will never get old. I let her ride out her orgasm before turning her around and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. She smiles against my lips, and I swear I’ve gone to heaven.

“By the way, when did you learn Turkish?” I ask, pulling away from her and raising my eyebrow.

When she told me she loved me in my language, my heart and love for her grew even more. No one has ever put that much effort into something for me before; that’s how I know she’s not lying about her feelings for me at all.

She bites her bottom lip and gives me a shy smile. “I took a few lessons while you were gone. Did I say the words right?”

“Seni seviyorum,” I repeat her words and nod. “Yes, you did. Thank you.”

Nodding, the smile doesn’t drop from her face when she steps back from me and ties her nightgown again. Then she grabs a tea towel and slaps me with it.

“Good, now please go out of my kitchen before neither of us eats,” she says, placing a hand on her hips and cocking her head to the side.

I can’t help but smile at this, and hold up my hand in surrender and I walk away from her and sit down on the stool at the kitchen island. It doesn’t take her long with the simple meal, and when she’s done, she brings over two bowls for us.

“I didn’t know you liked this,” she says, putting it down in front of me. “You should tell me what other foods you like so I can make them for you.”

“In due time,” I say, eating a forkful of the cheesy pasta and groaning at the delicious taste. “This has been one of the dishes I’ve always wanted to try again, but could never bring myself to make it.”

My heart clenches as memories flood my mind and I shake my head because even as I feel sad, we have had our good times together.

“Why is that?” she asks, frowning slightly.

“Aylin, Yara, and Miray; they were my younger sisters and the memory that comes with this meal…used to be the only good one I had left,” I say, putting my fork down and breathing out a sigh as I recall one of my best memories.

“I managed to steal a box of easy mac and cheese from a convenience store and cooked it for them while my parents were out on another week-long drug binge. I’ve never seen them so happy to eat something before and promised I would make it again,” I say as a wave of sadness crashes over me. “But that was the evening before…”

Gianna takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. “You were the best big brother to them,” she says as her eyes shine with tears. “You protected them the best you could, but you were only a boy fighting a man.”

I nod, because I know now that there was nothing else I could do being that young and fighting a man in the middle of a psychotic episode. I’ve come to terms with that, and I think it’s why I’m so calm about things now.

That boy did the best he could to protect his little sisters.

“Thank you for that. Now I’ll eat this in memory of them and one day…I’ll have you cook this for our children,” I say and watch as she drops her fork with wide eyes.

“You’d…want children…with me?” she asks, incredulous, as if she can’t believe I would mention something like this.

I take both her hands in mine and kiss them. “You’re my life now, Gianna; my Goddess and my queen. Of course I want a family with you,” I say, squeezing her hands. “Nothing would make me happier than seeing you pregnant with my child and raising them to be just as kind as you.”

“And to be brave like you,” she says as a tear slips down her cheek. “I would love that, Divan.”

“Thank you for being mine,” I say, kissing her hands again and breathing out a sigh. “Thank you for loving me.”

“Thank you for allowing me to love you,” she answers, and I cup her cheek to wipe her tears away.


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