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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 172

Chapter 0172
My eyes keep flickering to the wall clock. The time reads seven pm. I have not been summoned by Alpha Reagan which means I’ll be sending the night here today. I don’t know how I feel about that.
Last night, sex with him was emotionless and almost brutal. I don’t ever want to have that kind of sex with him again. But then I miss being around him. Being with him. I’ve gotten so used sleeping on his bed that sleeping on another now makes me sad.
I don’t want to go to him and let him f c k me brutally again, that’s why I’m happy that he hasn’t summoned me, but the thought of spending the night on a bed that’s not his makes me sad. In the end, I don’t know how I feel.
“It seems we’ll be spending the night together today.” Tessa says, emerging from the closet. with a scary face mask on. She has been obsessed with skincare routines these days.
I let out a heavy sigh when she sits by my side.
“Yeah. Yeah.” I reply gloomily.
“You don’t look too happy about that.
“I don’t know how I feel.”
“What do you mean?” There’s concern in her voice, as usual. I sigh heavily and tell her. everything that’s going on, From the meeting with the elders to how cold Alpha Reagan has een treating me lastly and the emotionless sex we had last night. By the time I’m done, she looks just as confused as I am about the situation.
“Wow!” She exclaims, scratching the back of her head. “That’s… that’s really not cool. I can. only imagine how heartbroken you feel right now.”
“You have no idea!” I tell her in dismay.
“Hey…” She shifts closer to me. “I know you’re going through a though time right now, but it’s going to be alright, eventually.
“I doubt it. It’s just a matter of time before they ship us back to the normal H a r m quarters.” “They won’t and even if they do, it’s okay. Have you ever thought of discussing this with Alpha Reagan?”
“I have.” I look at her with teary eyes. “But I’m too scared to bring it up. He hasn’t been very friendly to me these days. He seems mad at me and I don’t want to do anything to further provoke his anger.” Tessa lets out a heavy sigh and gently places her hands on mine.
“Look. It’s true that he’s the Lycan King, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring up your worries to him especially when he’s the sole author of those worries. For me, I think you should talk to him. He needs to know what you’re going through.”
“I’m scared.”
“Until when?”
My shoulders sag in dismay.
She’s right.
If I want things to get better or if I want to understand what is going on, I have to talk to Alpha Reagan just like she has said.
“Fine. I’m try to talk to him.”
“You should. It’s better than sulking here all day and feeling bad for yourself.” She goes to her bed, leaving me alone with my thoughts. It’s true that I have to talk to Alpha Reagan and I intend to do that, but how am I going to bring up the conversation and worse of all, how am I going to handle the situation if he gets very upset?
A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. The door opens and one of the elderly of th e H a r e m step into the room.
“Ashanti.” She calls my name and Tessa turns to look at me. My heart starts hammering in my chest when I understand the reason why the s r v a t is here. It’s past seven pm. Why has Alpha Reagan summoned me at this time?
“Ma’am Edna.” I call, rising to my feet.
“Delta Kyle is here to see you.” A wave of shock s c a t t e s down my spine as her words reach my ears. That was not the name I was expecting to hear.
Delta Kyle?
Why the hell is he here to see me at this time?
“Delta Kyle?” I ask in surprise and the s e r v a n t nods.
“Yes. He’s waiting for you downstairs. Come now.” She instructs and I look down at myself. I’m in my pajamas.
“But I… I have on just my pyjamas.”
“That’s not a problem. He just wants a quick word with you.”
“Oh… ok.” I follow her out of the bedroom. My teeth are biting my lips as I go downstairs to meet Alpha Kyle. I try to think of all the possible reasons why he could be here to see me, but my mind is blank. I can’t think of any reason why.
The chilly wind blowing whips my face and makes my hair fly in different directions. I wrap my arms over my chest as the cold breeze caresses them. I should’ve brought a pullover with
My heart starts racing when I arrive at his car. The passenger seat door is already open and I can see him seated in the driver’s seat. I smile nervously as I approach him.”
“Delta Kyle.” I call, coming to a halt In Front of the car. “Good evening Sir.” I greet respectfully. I even bow.
“No need to be so formal with me, Ashanti. Hop in.” He invites me in and gladly comply. Warmth kisses every part of my body when I get into the car and close the door. It feels bougie in here.


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