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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 173

Chapter 0173 

Hi.I greet again. He chuckles

Hello. I apologize for getting you out at this time.” 

I must confess that I was shocked when the servant told me you wanted to see me. For a moment I got scared. I thought I had done something wrong. Have I, though?” 

No, you haven’t.I sigh in relief

That’s good then.” 

You must wondering why I called.I look at him abruptly

OhI’m dying to know!He chuckles lightly before training his eyes on me again

Well, I just want to know how you’re fairing admist everything that’s going on. I mean with Alpha Reagan and his latest mood swings.” 

WellMy head drops and I shyly play with my fingers. These past days have been difficult because he’s being so cold and distant and I have no idea what I can do to remedy the situation. I feel useless.” 

You shouldn’t.He turns to face me and when I look up at him, our eyes meet. He nods

I’m pretty sure he’s being a real jerk to you right now. He’s giving you a really hard time and I shouldn’t be saying this, but I have to.” 

What do you have to say?“. 

Don’t give Don’t give up on him.He says calmly. My head rattles with confusion


Ashanti.He takes my left hand in his. You might not know this, but Alpha Reagan is going through a really hard time right now. I’d love to fill you in on the details, but it’s not my place. to do that. Only him has the right to tell you those things. All I can say is that you are the solution to all the problems he’s facing. The key to all the locks holding him down. If you give up on him, he will never be able to make it as a man or as the Lycan King. That’s why you mustn’t give up on him.” 

Delta Kyle. I don’t have the least idea what you mean by all that. The only thing I can make out of those sentences you just spoke is the fact that Alpha Reagan somehow needs my help with something.Kyle nods his head in agreement

You got that right.” 

How on earth am I supposed to help him when he keeps pushing me away and treating me like something he’s used and is about to dump in the trash?My chest contracts as I utter those words

It hurts to address myself as trash, but that’s exactly how Alpha Reagan is treating me these days. Like trash

Noyou got it wrong

+15 BONUS 

No, I haven’t.I counter firmly. He doesn’t talk to me, he makes snide remarks about everything I do, he no longer does any of the nice things he used to do to me. Hehe fucks me brutally!The tears in my eyes break loose and spill uncontrollably down my cheeks. If he really needed my help with something, he would have asked me instead of treating me like that.” 

The problem is, he doesn’t even know he needs your help.” 

What the hell do you mean by that?I look at him with teary eyes. He lets out a small sigh and pulls me into his arms

Come here.I shamelessly rest my head on his broad chest and bawl my eyes out. I’ll talk to him. I’ll make he stops treating you cruelly.” 

He’s the Alpha King. You can’t possibly tell him what to do!” 

I have more influence over Alpha Reagan than you can ever imagine.I lift my head from his chest and look at his face. He nods proudly. From the look in his eyes, he’s not bluffing.We’re close. I’m his best pal and he loves me more than he’ll ever like to admit. He trusts me. He takes every advice I give him into consideration, so you need to trust me when I say I’ll talk to him and try to get him to change how he treats you. I promise.” 

And in return?I ask with creased brows. He chuckles lightly

That was direct. I need you to understand that I’m doing this for the two of you. I don’t have just one person’s interest at heart. I swear.” 

You swear?” 

On my honor

So, what do you want in return?” 

For you not to give up on him. For you not to hate him.” 

Hate Alpha Reagan


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