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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 187

Chapter 0187
Tessa and Kelly quickly bow to him and rush out of the changing room to give us privacy. That’s when I notice that even the other girls who were changing are nowhere to be found. It’s just the two of us right now.
“Alpha Reagan.” I whisper as he stalks closer to me.
It’s been five days since I last saw him. I have been counting. Seeing him right now reminds me of how much I’ve missed him. He stops in front of me.
“Kyle told me you trained very hard for this competition.” He says calmly, quietly.
“He was my personal coach and I’m grateful to him for taking out time to train me.” My voice is lower than a whisper. My eyes are plastered on the floor below. Being this close to him does something catastrophic to my self restraint. My feelings for him, coupled with the fact that I miss him, might force me to do something d i I dare to look into his charming, brown
“Look at me.” His calm order comes through. My face turns molten red and the flush spreads from my cheeks to my neck. I don’t want to look at him for the reasons I just listed above. Ashanti.” He calls my name, but I still do not look up. He takes matters into his own hands and lifts my chin with his index finger. When our gazes meet, I offer him a crooked smile that doesn’t reach my eye. He chuckles. “I’d rather you frown than give me such a pathetic smile.”
I don’t say anything. I keep my gaze glued to his face with my mind as blank as a white sheet of paper.
“I’m glad you trained hard for this fight.”
“I couldn’t do otherwise, not after you told me you were rooting for me. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you.”
“I know you won’t. You’re an excellent fighter and all you have to do is step into that circle with a positive mindset. If at any time you feel like giving up, just remember you’re on the list of people who have lasted ten rounds of duel with me. There are only three people on that list, Ashanti.
You know what that means, don’t you?”
I nod my head.
I have never won a single round with him, but resisting ten rounds means I’m quite strong and tactful. Resilient too.
“Thank you for your words of encouragement.” I flash him a smile. It’s a genuine one this time around. I wish I could put the words he just said to me in my pocket, just to touch them during my fights and remind myself that they exist.
His gaze lingers along the length of my body as he takes a step forward. Thick, searing heat. distributes itself throughout my body when palms my face and gently caresses my left cheek. Sparks ignite on the spot he just touched.
on a day like this, with all this tension, you still manage to look beautiful.” His raspy voice whispers, taking me by surprise. “How do you do that?” I can see his face leaning closer and closer to mine. Soon, our breaths are fanning each other’s faces and I can feel the warmth from his body on mine. My body is humming with feelings, it’s almost indecent.
“I have no…”
“Shhhh…” He cuts me off and pulls me into his arms. Our lips touch and I know I’m going to split into two halves. He’s kissing me like he’s lost me, found me and I’m slipping away from him and he doesn’t want to let me go. I kiss him back with all my might, reliving every memory of his lips, his touch, his scent, his skin. I’m frayed and falling apart and making no effort to convert the tremors in my bones and he’s so hot, his skin is so hot, his lips are so hot, they ignite the blood in my veins. I’m on fire!
When we break the kiss, he connects his forehead with mine and we’re both panting like dogs.
This is the last minute preparation I needed for this competition.
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