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The Lycan King’s Second Chance Mate (Ashanti) novel Chapter 188

Chapter 0188 


The day has finally arrived for us to carry out the plan we’ve spent the last three days 

brainstorming on. Everything has been set in place and if things go smoothly, Ashanti will be out of our lives for good

Just the thought of seeing her being behind bars or hanged in public gets me excited. I’m so ready to bring her down

Is everyone set?Alina asks quietly as she walks into the room, already dressed for competition. Even in a fighting attire, she still looks gorgeous

Yes, we are.I reply and so do the other six girls

Good.She closes the door behind her and gestures to us to form a circle around her. We do that immediately. Alright, right now, Ashanti has already been lured into the room where the guestsmeals are being kept. I need her to go there so that the CCTV can capture her entering the room. That will serve as strong evidence that she was indeed in the room with the food. Now, Nelly, while she’s away, you have to go to the dressing room at the stadium and plant the herb and the poison that will be used in her locker. You mustn’t get caught!She warns

I won’t!Nelly says firmly. Alina nods her head and turns to the other two girls who are dressed for combat just like she is

Celine, Lois, did you two already eat the poisoned meal?She asks and they both nod their heads. Perfect. It’ll take effect soon and during your duels with Ashanti, you’ll be too weak to fight. Ashanti will win easily and afterwards, you two will show up and accuse her of poisoning your meals so she could have an unfair fight and win. The herb Nelly is about to plant in her locker will serve as evidence of that accusation.She turns to me. Rhea, you will lead this other lot to the room Ashanti has been lured into and poison the meals to be served to the special guests.My heart starts drumming in my chest, but I nod my head in agreement

Yes, it’s dangerous, but this is a well crafted plan. It’s very unlikely that we’ll get caught

She looks at each and every one of us with so much determination in her eyes. She trusts us to accomplish this mission and we cannot fail her

Celine and Lois, your role is to accuse Ashanti of poisoning you in order to have an upper hand during your duels. Rhea, Cynthia, Zina and Fay, your job is to poison the food for the guests and for you Nelly, all you have to do is plant the evidence that will further implicate Ashanti when she gets accused. The CCTV footage of Ashanti going into the room will be kept for more evidence, but yours will be deleted immediately. There will be no evidence to show that any of you went to the room or the dressing room or even in here. I have arranged with someone to get rid of the tapes. So 

rid of the tapes. So you have nothing to worry about.” 


+15 BONUS 

I sigh in relief

The last thing I want is anyone tracing these atrocities we’re about to commit back to me. That 

will be the end for me

That said, let’s all get to work. I’ll head back to my dressing room and so will Celine and Lois. The rest of you, get to work!” 

Yes, Ma’am.The other girls say in unison. I simply nod my head and follow them out of the 


When we get out of the Harem building, Nelly leaves us and heads for the stadium while the other three girls and myself head to the Premium Residence building where the food was cooked and is being kept

The girls and I decide to dispatch and go into the building one by one so it doesn’t look suspicious. I’m the one to lead the way. As I walk to the door, I almost trip on my steps when I see Ashanti walking out of the Premium residence, looking confused

Aren’t you supposed to be at the stadium? I heard the competition has begun.I say, walking closer to her. She’s looking around, as if searching for someone


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